Texans at USDAA
From Gretchen "the Grape" Blackburn of Austin TX 11/24/97 Hey Libby! I got some news for you... Allie and I went to the Flashpaws meet in Houston with Karen Barratt and Ann Chandoha and came in 4th place in Beginning Snooker and still don't know how we got that ribbon! Snooker's one of those games that takes some brain power on my part. We also took 1st place in the 24" Starters Jumpers class. We were 3 seconds from qualifying. Man, is USDAA tough for a slow poke Beardie. I am trying to run faster and call way in advance. I think that'll help our chances in the future. The weather was absolutely terrible. We were frozen popsicles from the minute we got there. We arrived too late to get a crating space inside the toasty room at this small rodeo facility so we had to crate outside with the wind whipping through our coats. The dog's didn't mind a bit of course, but we humans needed to make an emergency trip to the local Wal-Mart to buy some gloves and hats and ear covers. I had figured on some cool weather but nothing like this along with rain. I brought along an electric blanket and plugged in it to a column right next to the stands where we were sitting. Huddled in this blanket with Ann on one side and Karen on the other, another Agility buddy generously donated her space heater to put in our laps. Even with all this heating equipment, the cold wind found it's way down our necks and through our jeans. We have never been so cold as that Saturday in Houston. To top it off, try walking your dogs in the rain without a raincoat! And they looked terrible! Their beautiful white feet turned a maroon red and their hair was plastered to their bodies. I was embarrassed when it was my turn to go in the ring with such a nasty looking dog. I'm sure that anyone thinking they'd like to have a Beardie someday quickly decided against it after looking at our three dirty ragamuffins. Karen, Ann and I take such care in making sure our dogs look their best whenever they're out in public and this day we found we were avoided like the plague because our filthy, bouncing Beardies couldn't keep their paws off anyone that happened to walk by! Such is the life of one who own a Beardie. Do you find yourself apologizing often for that signature "How ya doin'?" pawprint that your Beardie has strategically placed on a unsuspecting stranger's nice shirt? (I sould open a cleaning store for all the times Allie's nailed someone.) We figured we were freezing from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm. I looked forward to a hot bath and a warm bed but not to coming back the next day! But, alas, we had to wash 12 yucky Beardie feet outside in the cold, windy elements I was desparately trying to get away from. Thankfully, the next day was sunny at least, but that darn wind and cold was about the same. The Beardies loved every minute of it and seemed to run faster and jump higher than ever before. This time they looked better than they did the day before. And we could once again walk into the ring with our heads held high because our dogs looked marvelous. Their human handlers looked like hell in their non-matching but warm attire, but the dogs looked great. I'm no poet, but I was inspired by this weeken'd event to write this little ditty that I'm sure we all can relate to: (No title as of yet... Maybe someone out there can come up with one.) Another day, Another meet, Another Beardie with dirty feet! But it's all for fun, And fun for all. So we run Agility And have a ball. No matter how cold, No matter how wet. We'll be at the next show. On this you can bet. For it's not the ribbons, It's not the prize, It's the joyful expression In our Beardie's eyes.
Off to a BAD Start
Bad Attitude