Brika's Karefree Keira NA NAJ HIC CGC
We lost Keira just 1 year and 1 day after losing Maggie. After we lost Maggie, Keira seemed so depressed. She did for several months, then it was like she just gave up, slept more and more and became increasingly fussed about eating. Eating less and less, until she stopped. She went to the Bridge peacefully. I still get very tearful when thinking about my girls.
Keira - Bitch - DL877289/02 - 3/16/01 - 8/04/14 - Bridge
Breeders: Barbara Voss & Lynn A Zagarella
Ch Arlin Ragtyme Crusin' Along (Kraemer) x Ch Ragtyme Absolutely
Smashing (Kassidy)
Owners: Robert S Stokoe & Pearl M Stokoe & Barbara
Handler: Pearl Stokoe of Willard, MO
Keira and Maggie
AKC DL877289/02
Standard Agility
9/28/05 Novice B 20" Leg 1 94 2nd/7 82.33'/76'
4/29/06 Novice B 20" Leg 2 100 1st/5 67.65'/78'
4/30/06 Novice B 20" Leg 3 91 2nd/5 76.05'/72' NA
Jumpers with Weaves
9/28/05 Novice B 20" Leg 1 100 2nd/7 37.69'/39'
4/29/06 Novice B 20" Leg 2 99 1st/6 35.16'/34'
4/30/06 Novice B 20" Leg 3 100 2nd/5 40.00'/40' NAJ
Keira's Links
BAD-Midwest Beardies
- BAD-Midwest Beardies of Illinois,
Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin: Bevin, Chilly, Indy, Jax,
Lakotah!, Lizzee, Lizzie, Maggie, Max, Molly, Morgan, Sophie,
and Xander
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