Kassi and Chase at the USDAA Nationals July 1997

Picture taken at BCCA Nationals 2000 in Wisconsin

Leslie Dawson-North Two of our Beardies were invited to the USDAA Grand Prix Championship Competition in July. Leslie Dawson-North promises us a story about this for a later edition of the Bulletin. Kassi (Can Ch FbDCH Buaidh Mithandril Xerox O'Jen,MADC, AAD, NA, Can CDX, Am CD, HC, CGC) qualified,in both Masters Snooker 24" and Masters Pairs Relay 24". Her Beardie girl Chase (Can Ch Bedlam's Catch Me If You Can, ADC, AD, NA, HC, CGC, FDX) is a marvel at two years old and incredibly smart. She finished third in Advanced Snooker 24" and fourth in Advanced Pairs Relay 24". Leslie's Beardie Boy Koddi (FbDCh Bedlam's Yumpin' Yiminny, AD, ADC, NA, HC, CD, HC, TT, CGC) is doing well, too, having just gotten his second Advanced Standard leg and qualifying for Masters competition in Jumpers, Snooker, and Pairs Relay. Congratulations, Leslie, on an outstanding performance!

USDAA Nationals 1997

USDAA Nationals 2001

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USDAA Nationals 1997

USDAA Nationals 2001

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