MACH C-ATCH Lil'Clove Caol Ila


Lil' Clove Ain't No Shrinking Vyolet

Caol Ila - DN27350102 - Bitch - 19 March 2010

Owner/Handler: Ruth Bryden of Riverdale, NJ

Breeders: Trudy and Chelsea Wisner

CH Bendale Singing The Blues UD RE HSAdsc HIAs HXAs AX AXJ NF (Marty) x

CH Lil' Clove Hello Poppet RE HSAs MX MXJ NF (Poppet)


04/26/24  Novice B 20"  Leg 1       95      2nd          57.46/67
07/14/24  Novice B 20" Leg 2        90      2nd          45.67
09/14/24  Novice B 20" Leg 3        95      1st           42.72/71  NA

05/26/24  Novice B 20"   Leg 1     64       2nd           27.56/32
10/18/24  Novice B 20"   Leg 2     74       1st            28.11/32
11/2/24    Novice B 20"   Leg 3     67        3rd           20.71/32   NF

12/27/24  Open  20"        Leg 1     68        4th           27.78/32
12/29/24  Open  20"        Leg 2     60        2nd          32.48/32
02/02/25  Open  20"        Leg 3     69        2nd          31.93/32  OF

06/23/24  Novice B 20"  Leg 1     95        1st            26.66/39
09/14/24  Novice B 20"  Leg 2     100                       32.01/41
12/29/24  Novice B 20"  Leg 3     100       1st           23.77/41   NAJ


AKC DN27350102

Standard Titling

10/03/11  Novice B 20" Leg 1       100    1st/8     40.01/70'  147
10/28/11  Novice B 20" Leg 2        95    6th/10    47.19/68'  141
 4/14/12  Novice B 20" Leg 3        90    2nd       48.78/65'                     NA
09/09/12  Open     20" Leg 1        95    2nd       49.85/65'
05/03/13  Open     20" Leg 2       100    2nd       46.58/72'
08/17/13  Open     20" Leg 3        95              47.66                         OA
10/26/13  Exc.     20" Leg 1       100              52.99/63'
05/10/14  Exc.     20" Leg 2       100    2nd       53.61/61'
06/07/14  Exc.     20" Leg 3       100    1st       55.26/67'                     AX

08/01/14  Masters  20" Leg 1       100              44.52/66'         21 points
08/30/14  Masters  20" Leg 2       100              46.24/59'         12 points
09/01/14  Masters  20" Leg 3       100    3rd       44.29/59          14 points
03/14/15  Masters  20" Leg 4       100              47.13/63          15 points
05/03/15  Masters  20" Leg 5       100              44.68/63'         18 points 
05/09/15  Masters  20" Leg 6       100              47.75/62          14 points
05/17/15  Masters  20" Leg 7       100              42.78/60          17 points
05/24/15  Masters  20" Leg 8       100              43.57/64'         20 points
09/26/15  Masters  20" Leg 9       100              46.89/65'         18 points
09/27/15  Masters  20" Leg 10      100              45.03/59'         13 points   MX   
10/17/15  Masters  20" Leg 11      100              44.35/67'         22 points 
10/31/15  Masters  20" Leg 12      100              43.78/60'         16 points
11/01/15  Masters  20" Leg 13      100              46.76/66          19 points
11/07/15  Masters  20" Leg 14      100              46.34/65          18 points 
11/28/15  Masters  20" Leg 15      100    3rd       44.49/60          15 points   
11/29/15  Masters  20" Leg 16      100    3rd       45.48/60          14 points
02/13/16  Masters  20" Leg 17      100              46.58/62          15 points
06/18/16  Masters  20" Leg 18      100              45.46/64          18 points
06/25/16  Masters  20" Leg 19      100              46.39/65          18 points
08/07/16  Masters  20" Leg 20      100              46.82/61          14 points
09/10/16  Masters  20" Leg 21      100              44.16/65          20 points
09/11/16  Masters  20" Leg 22      100              45.36/64          18 points
10/30/16  Masters  20" Leg 23      100              44.24/62          17 points
11/05/16  Masters  20" Leg 24      100              45.19/56          10 points
12/03/16  Masters  20" Leg 25      100              45.57/60          14 points   MXB
12/04/16  Masters  20" Leg 26      100              47.21/61          13 points
01/28/17  Masters  20" Leg 27      100              49.99/59           9 points
03/05/17  Masters  20" Leg 28      100              46.17/57          10 points
04/12/17  Masters  20" Leg 29      100              45.08/62          16 points
04/14/17  Masters  20" Leg 30      100              56.53/66'          9 points
04/16/17  Masters  20" Leg 31      100              49.89/62'         12 points   
)5/06/17  Masters  20" Leg 32      100              46.81/63'         16 points
07/09/17  Masters  20" Leg 33      100              50.11/63'         11 points    
07/18/17  Masters  20" Leg 34      100              49.11/61'         11 points
07/22/17  Masters  20" Leg 35      100              45.79/61'         15 points   MACH
10/01/17  Masters  20" Leg 36      100              47.99/68          20 points
10/22/17  Masters  20" Leg 37      100              46.74/65'         18 points
01/27/18  Masters  20' leg 38      100              47.13/63'         15 points 
07/21/18  Masters  20" Leg 39      100              45.96/62'         16 points
11/04/18  Masters  20" Leg 40      100              44.53/60          15 points
05/04/19  Masters  20" Leg 41      100              44.38/65'         20 points

Jumpers with Weaves

10/03/11  Novice B 20" Leg 1        95    1st/7     32.91'/36'  108
10/28/11  Novice B 20" Leg 2       100    4th/8     26.04'/37'  110
 4/14/12  Novice B 20" Leg 3       100    1st       22.28'/39'                    NAJ
09/08/12  Open     20" Leg 1       100    1st       27.90'/37'
09/09/12  Open     20" Leg 2        95    3rd       29.88'/33'
05/25/13  Open     20" Leg 3        95    1st       32.06'/37'                    OAJ
08/17/13  Exc.     20" Leg 1       100    1st       32.02/43'
08/24/13  Exc.     20" Leg 2       100    1st       28.27/41'
10/12/13  Exc.     20" Leg 3       100    1st       34.35/37'                     AXJ
11/02/13  Masters  20" Leg 1       100              31.43/42'         10 points
04/11/14  Masters  20" Leg 2       100              33.75/42'          8 points
04/12/14  Masters  20" Leg 3       100              35.36/46'         10 points
05/09/14  Masters  20" Leg 4       100              36.05/41'          4 points
05/10/14  Masters  20" Leg 5       100              36.02/44'          7 points 
05/24 14  Masters  20" Leg 6       100              37.86/44'          6 points
06/7/14   Masters  20" Leg 7       100              36.54/41'          4 points
08/02/14  Masters  20" Leg 8       100              32.02/42'          9 points
08/31/12  Masters  20" Leg 9       100              31.55/39'          7 points
09/13/14  Masters  20" Leg 10      100              32.80/40'          7 points   MXJ   
09/29/14  Masters  20" Leg 11      100              31.70/45'         13 points 
03/07/15  Masters  20" Leg 12      100              30.24/44'         13 points
03/08/15  Masters  20" Leg 13      100              32.24/44'         11 points 
03/14/15  Masters  20" Leg 14      100              32.27/43'         10 points
03/15/15  Masters  20" Leg 15      100              32.57/40'          7 points 
04/11/15  Masters  20" Leg 16      100              31.36/41'          9 points
04/12/15  Masters  20" Leg 17      100              32.82/43'         10 points
05/02/15  Masters  20" Leg 18      100              35.86/46'         10 points
05/03/15  Masters  20" Leg 19      100              31.74/44'         12 points
05/09/15  Masters  20" Leg 20      100              37.45.43'          5 points
05/16/15  Masters  20" Leg 21      100              29.25/40'         10 points
05/17/15  Masters  20" Leg 22      100              33.77/44'         10 points
05/24/15  Masters  20" Leg 23      100              32.21/42'          9 points
08/02/15  Masters  20" Leg 24      100              30.38/38'          7 points
09/19/15  Masters  20" Leg 25      100              33.89/40          11 points   MJB
09/20/15  Masters  20" Leg 26      100              32.65/42           9 points
10/10/15  Masters  20" Leg 27      100              33.41/48'         14 points
10/11/15  Masters  20" Leg 28      100              28.87/37'          8 points
10/18/15  Masters  20" Leg 29      100              32.29/46'         13 points
11/01/15  Masters  20" Leg 30      100              35.17/43           7 points
11/07/15  Masters  20" Leg 31      100              32.20/43'         10 points 
02/20/16  Masters  20" Leg 32      100              32.58/43'         10 points
02/20/16  Masters  20" Leg 33      100              32.15/42'          9 points
04/16/16  Masters  20" Leg 34      100              35.71/42'          6 points
04/17/16  Masters  20" Leg 35      100              33.46/43'          9 points
04/30/16  Masters  20" Leg 36      100              29.45/40'         10 points
08/07/16  Masters  20" Leg 37      100              32.55/43'         10 points
09/10/16  Masters  20" Leg 38      100              39.28/46           6 points
09/11/16  Masters  20" Leg 39      100              36.92/46           9 points
09/19/16  Masters  20" Leg 40      100              32.73/41           8 points
09/24/16  Masters  20" Leg 41      100              31.56/41           9 points
10/30/16  Masters  20" Leg 42      100              34.78/42           7 points
11/05/16  Masters  20" Leg 43      100              32.27/43          10 points
11/13/16  Masters  20" Leg 44      100              34.16/41           6 points  
12/04/16  Masters  20" Leg 45      100              35.46/39           3 points
03/04/17  Masters  20" Leg 46      100              34.95/41           6 points
03/05/17  Masters  20" Leg 47      100              33.03/38           4 points
04/01/17  Masters  20" Leg 48      100              34.91/39           4 points
04/16/17  Masters  20" Leg 49      100              40.13/42'          1 points
06/24/17  Masters  20" Leg 50      100              43.65/46'          2 points   MJS
07/09/17  Masters  20" Leg 51      100              37.74/43           5 points
07/16/17  Masters  20" Leg 52      100              35.60/40'          4 points 
07/22/17  Masters  20" Leg 53      100              32.70/39'          6 points   MACH
10/22/17  Masters  20" Leg 54      100              35.38/45'          9 points
11/04/17  Masters  20" Leg 55      100              36.24/46'          9 points  
11/05/17  Masters  20" Leg 56      100              37.07/45'          7 points
01/27/18  Masters  20" Leg 57      100              30.76/41'         10 points
11/02/18  Masters  20" Leg 58      100              34.06/44           9 points
11/04/18  Masters  20" Leg 59      100              30.53/38           7 points
12/29/18  Masters  20" Leg 60      100              33.67/45          11 points
12/31/18  Masters  20" Leg 61      100              31.84'/39.         7 points
05/04/19  Masters  20" Leg 62      100              34.73/44'          9 points
05/05/19  Masters  20" Leg 63      100              30.52/38'          7 points
05/31/19  Masters  20" Leg 64      100              34.38/44'          9 points


09/08/12  Novice B 20" Leg 1        78    1st       26.84/32'
09/09/12  Novice B 20" Leg 2        64    3rd       36.55/32'
10/19/12  Novice B 20" Leg 3        63    2nd       35.73/32'  68.3   NF
05/04/13  Open 20"    Leg 1         63              35.95/32'
05/25/13  Open 20"    Leg 2         62    2nd       25.77/32'
10/12/13  Open 20"    Leg 3         55    4th       23.26/32'         OF
10/26/13  Exc. 20"    Leg 1         65              29.73/32'
09/05/14  Exc. 20'    leg 2         68    1st       32.66/32'     
09/13/14  Exc. 20"    Leg 3         70    1st       31.67/32'         AF

09/29/14  Masters 20" Leg 1         64              23.61/32'
10/18/14  Masters 20" Leg 2         62    3rd       29.01/32'
08/01/15  Masters 20" Leg 3         70              38.02/32'
09/26/25  Masters 20" Leg 4         64              33.80/32'
10/17/15  Masters 20" Leg 5         73              26.23/32'
10/31/15  Masters 20" Leg 6         61              27.44/32'
11/29/15  Masters 20" Leg 7         63              28.98/32'    
04/16/16  Masters 20" Leg 8         71              24.66/32'
04/30/16  Masters 20" Leg 9         78    1st       27.96/32'
05/08/16  Masters 20" Leg 10        68              26.50/32'         MXF
07/09/16  Masters 20" Leg 11        68    4th       27.17/32'
09/10/16  Masters 20" Leg 12        74    3rd       23.05/32'
09/19/16  Masters 20" Leg 13        68    2nd       32.00/32'

T2B (15 legs + 100 points)

04/11/14  T2B        Leg 1           7  points
05/09/14  T2B        Leg 2           9  points
06/07/14  T2B        Leg 3          10  points
05/16/15  T2B        Leg 4           8  points
05/17/15  T2B        Leg 5           6  points
08/01/15  T2B        Leg 6           9  points 
10/18/15  T2B        Leg 7           6  points
06/26/16  T2B        Leg 8           6  points
09/19/16  T2B        Leg 9          10  points
09/24/16  T2B        Leg 10         10  points
10/23/16  T2B        Leg 11          8  points
11/06/16  T2B        Leg 12          9  points   96 points
12/04/16  T2B        Leg 13          7  points
10/22/1   T2B        Leg 14          8 points  
07/21/18  T2B        Leg 15          7 points    118 points        T2B


11/02/13 10 points
04/11/14  8 points        Total  18
04/12/14 10 points       Total  28 
05/09/14  4
05/10/14  7                   Total 39
05/24/14  6                            45
06/07/14  4                            49
08/01/14  21
08/02/14  9                            79
08/31/14  33                          112    QQ #1
09/13/14  7                            119
09/29/14  13                          132 
03/07/15  13
03/08/15  11                          156
03/14/15  25                          181/   QQ #2
03/15/15   7                           188
04/12/15  19                          207
05/02/15  10
05/03/15  30                          247    QQ #3
05/09/15  19                          256    QQ #4
05/16/15  10
05/17/15  27                          293    QQ #5
05/24/15  29                          322    QQ #6
08/02/15    7                          329
09/20/15  20
09/27/15  31                         380
10/11/15  22                         402
10/18/15  35                         437
10/31/15  16
11/01/15  26                         479    QQ #7
11/07/15  28                         507    QQ #8
11/28/15  15                         522
11/29/15   14                        536
02/13/16  15                         551
02/20/16  10
02/21/16    9                         570
04/17/16  15                         585
04/30/16  10                         595
06/18/16  18                         613
06/25/16  18                         631
08/07/16  24                         655   QQ #9
09/10/16  26                         681   QQQ #10
09/11/16  27                         708   QQ #11
09/19/16   8                          716
09/24/16   9                          725
10/30/16   24                        749    QQ #12
11/05/16   20                        769    QQ #13
11/13/16   6
12/03/16  14
12/04/16  16                         805    QQ #14
01/28/17    9
03/04/17    6
03/05/17   10                        830    QQ # 15
04/01/17   20                        850    QQ # 16
04/14/17     9
04/16/17   13                        872    QQ # 17
05/06/17   16                        888
06/24/17    2                         890
07/09/17   16                        906    QQ # 18
07/16/17   15                        921    QQ # 19
07/22/17   21                        942    QQ # 20     MACH  Caol Ila!!!!!!
10/01/17   20
10/22/17   27                        989     QQ# 21
11/05/17   16                      1010
01/27/18   25                      1035     QQ# 22    
11/04/18   47                      1083     QQ# 23  
12/31/18   18    
05/04/19   29                                   QQ# 24
05/05/19     7                      1137     
05/31/19     9   

USDAA U139936

06/03/12  Starters Std     Leg 1          4th       45.46'/64.00'
12/31/12  Starters Std     Leg 2          2nd       48.29'/64.00'
04/20/13  Starters Std     Leg 3          3rd       50.83'/64.00'     SSA AD
06/03/12  Starters Pairs   Leg 1          3rd       62.32'/77.00'     Guts & Dawn Filips
10/28/12  Starters Pairs   Leg 2          1st       72.56'/79.00'     Joby & Sheila Franklin
06/03/12  Starters Snooker Leg 1          4th       42 pts 40.76'
10/27/12  Starters Snooker Leg 2          1st       43 pts 41.61'
12/31/12  Starters Snooker Leg 3          1st       49 pts 36.46'     SS
10/27/12  Starters Jumpers Leg 1          2nd       21.18'/30.00'
10/28/12  Starters Jumpers Leg 2          4th       28.20'/34.00'
02/16/12  Starters Jumpers Leg 3          5th       22.49'/31.00'     SJ
02/16/12  Starters Gamblers  Leg 1                  54 points
11/16/13  Starters Gamblers  Leg 2                  49 points
12/27/13  Advanced Standard Leg 1         2nd       46.18'/54.00'
03/15/14  Advanced Standard Leg 2         1st       50.96'/62.00'
03/16/14  Advanced Standard Leg 3         3rd       54.56'/52.00'     ASA  AAD
02/16/13  Advanced Snooker Leg 1          3rd       47 points
06/08/13  Advanced Snooker Leg 2          2nd       44 points
11/16/13  Advanced Snooker Leg 3          1st       45 points         AS
11/16/13  Advanced Jumpers Leg 1          1st       31.34 /39.00'
11/17/13  Advanced Jumpers Leg 2          1st       28.52 /39.00'
12/27/13  Advanced Jumpers Leg 3          3rd       23.61 /30.00'     AJ
03/16/14  Advanced Gamblers Leg 1         2nd       46 points
03/15/14  Advanced Pairs Leg 1            1st       46.77'/66.00'     Drew & Ellen Halprin
04/19/15  Masters Standard Leg 1          1st       52.28/54.00'
03/31/18  Masters Standard Leg 2          1st       46.35/57.00"
09/08/18  Masters Standard Leg 3          6th                         MAD!
03/15/14  Masters Jumpers  Leg 1          4th       27.68 /36.00'
04/03/15  Masters Jumpers  Leg 2          3rd       32.31 /35.00'
04/19/15  Masters Jumpers  Leg 3          1st       30.05 /35.00'
07/18/15  Masters Jumpers  Leg 4          2nd       31.88 /35.00'
04/02/16  Masters Jumpers  Leg 5          4th       29.78 /33.00'     JM
07/23/16  Masters Jumpers  Leg 6          3rd       34.27 /39.00'
10/15/16  Masters Jumpers  Leg 7          5th       31.79 /38.00'
10/27/18  Masters Jumpers  Leg 8                    31.99 /38.00

03/15/14  Masters Snooker Leg 1           4th       37 points
07/20/14  Masters Snooker Leg 2           2nd       50 points  Super Q
04/04/15  Masters Snooker Leg 3           2nd       41 points  Super Q
04/19/15  Masters Snooker Leg 4           2nd       50 points  Super Q 
07/19/15  Masters Snooker Leg 5           3rd       40 points         SM
08/15/15  Masters Snooker Leg 6                     45 points
04/02/16  Masters Snooker Leg 7                     40 points
10/16/16  Masters Snooker Leg 8                     46 points
07/19/14  Masters Gamblers Leg 1          3rd       48 points
07/18/15  Masters Gamblers Leg 2                    47 points
07/23/16  Masters Gamblers Leg 3                    39 points
03/31/18  Masters Gamblers Leg 4                    42 points
09/08/18  Masters Gamblers Leg 5          5th       43 points          MG
04/04/15  Masters Relay Leg 1             1st       49.59/ 52,00'     Dolce & Donna Hess
04/09/16  Masters Relay Leg 2             4th       46.64/ 47.00'     Enchanted & Ann Marie Hill
10/06/18  Masters Relay Leg 3             1st       42.95 / 55.00     Cheeky & Martha Francis
10/27/18  Masters Relay Leg 4                       44.60 / 58.00     Pink & Carolyn Hess

07/19/14  Steeplechase Rd 1               9th        38.08'  Q
07/19/14  Steeplechase Final              6th        51.00
04/04/15  Steeplechase Rd 1               3rd        39.83'  Q
07/18/15  Steeplechase Rd 1               3rd        40.27'  Q
07/24/16  Grand Prix                      2nd        46.28/ 51.00'  Q
12/31/12  25th SS
02/16/12  ?    SJ
04/20/13  28th SSA
04/20/13  58th AD
11/16/13  22nd AS
12/27/13  22nd AJ
03/16/14  18th ASA
03/16/14  32nd AAD

07/19/15  10th SM
04/02/16  22nd JM
09/08/18  12th GM
09/08/18  14th MAD

24 June 2012

"Hi Libby,

I know I will be able to update my own page soon with trial results but wanted to let you know about our achievements at the east coast national CPE trial.
Caol Ila (who was 2 yrs old in March) managed to qualify with her last standard run before the cut off date for qualifying in February.
My only hope at nationals was to run to the best of our abilities and I do mean “our” as I am frequently the weak link.
The trial was great. We had amazing weather, not a drop of rain. It was lovely to be outside with your dogs. The six rings were very well organized.
As a level 2 dog, Caol Ila had to run the same courses as the top level dogs but we could have faults as specified for level 2 and only competed against other level 2 dogs.
We far exceeded our expectations and qualified in 8 out of 9 runs many with no faults.
As a result, we won HIT for Standard level 2.
She is a wonderful little dog and I am very proud of her.
Glayva made the trip too but purely for the ice cream social. He excels in this sport!


CPE 05342-04

CPE Level 2 (4 Standard Q's and 2 of each Game)

Regular (CL2-R)

12/17/11  CL2 Standard-Leg 1-5            2nd       52.08/80
12/17/11  CL2 Standard-Leg 2              4th       59.36/80 
02/04/12  CL2 Standard-Leg 3              2nd       48.97/58
02/18/12  CL2 Standard-Leg 4              2nd       44.83/59    CL2-R and Level 2 Title
03/31/12  CL2 Standard-Leg 5              2nd       56.20/60
03/31/12  CL2 Standard-Leg 6              1st       59.61/59
05/05/12  CL2 Standard-Leg 7              1st       37.23/66
06/15/12  CL2 Standard-Leg 8-5            1st       53.23/60
06/16/12  CL2 Standard-Leg 9-10           2nd       56.11/75
06/17/12  CL2 Standard-Leg 10             1st       43.83/?           CPE Nats. HIT

Fun Games (CL2-F)

08/07/11  CL2 Jumpers-Leg 1               3rd       23.99/48
08/13/11  CL2 Jumpers-Leg 2               1st       27.75/42
08/14/11  CL2 Jumpers-Leg 3               1st       27.49/42
12/10/11  CL2-Jumpers-Leg 4               3rd       25.65/30
12/11/11  CL2-Jumpers-Leg 5               1st       21.66/33
03/31/12  CL2 Jumpers-Leg 6-5             2nd       21.17/34
06/16/12  CL2 Jumpers-Leg 7               1st       32.32/43 
08/07/11  CL2 Fullhouse-Leg 1             3rd       30 points
09/24/11  CL2 Fullhouse-Leg 2             1st       27 points   CL2-F
12/10/11  CL2-Fullhouse-Leg 3             1st       35 points
12/11/11  CL2-Fullhouse-Leg 4             2nd       32 points
02/18/12  CL2 Fullhouse-Leg 5             1st       27 points
05/05/12  CL2-Fullhouse-Leg 6             3rd       28 points
06/15/12  CL2-Fullhouse-Leg 7             2nd       24 points

Handler Games (CL2-H)

08/07/11  CL2 Colours-Leg 1               2nd       21.36/36
08/13/11  CL2 Colours-Leg 2-5             1st       30.84/32
12/11/11  CL2-Colours-Leg 3-5             2nd       18.04/24
12/17/11  CL2-Colours-Leg 4               1st       19.17/40
01/28/12  CL2-Colours-Leg 5               1st       18.56/37
02/04/12  CL2-Colours-Leg 6               2nd       16.30/32
06/17/12  CL2-Colours-Leg 7-5             2nd       29.63/36
12/11/12  CL2-Wildcard-Leg 1              1st       13.86/30
01/28/12  CL2-Wildcard-Leg 2              1st       23.83/34    CL2-H   
02/18/12  CL2-Wildcard-Leg 3              1st       18.64/37
03/31/12  CL2-Wildcard-leg 4              1st       15.25/28
05/05/12  CL2-Wildcard-Leg 5              1st       16.87/40
06/15/12  CL2-Wildcard-Leg 6              1st       17.53/37

Strategy Games (CL2-S)

08/12/11  CL2 Snooker-Leg 1               1st       41 points
08/13/11  CL2 Snooker-Leg 2               1st       46 points
12/10/11  CL2 Snooker-Leg 3               1st       49 points
12/11/11  CL2 Snooker-Leg 4               1st       49 points 
08/14/11  CL2 Jackpot-Leg 1               3rd       47 points
12/11/11  CL2 Jackpot-Leg 2               1st       45 points   CL2-S
01/28/12  CL2 Jackpot-Leg 3               2nd       50 points
02/04/12  CL2 Jackpot-Leg 4               1st       62 points
06/16/12  CL2 Jackpot-Leg 5               1st       56 points

CPE Level 3 (6 Standard Q's and 3 of each Game)

Regular (CL3-R)

09/22/12  CL3 Regular-Leg 1               1st       44.00/57
09/22/12  CL3 Regular-Leg 2               1st       53.56/57
09/29/12  CL3 Regular-Leg 3               1st       42.87/68
11/17/12  CL3 Regular-Leg 4               1st       52.23/69
12/08/12  CL3 Regular-Leg 5               1st       39.27/48
01/19/13  CL3 Regular-Leg 6               1st       44.43/55    CL3-R

Fun Games (CL3-F)

08/04/12  CL3-Jumpers-Leg 1               1st       25.32/38
09/22/12  CL3-Jumpers-Leg 2               1st       29.02/46
09/29/12  CL3-Jumpers-Leg 3               1st       28.07/45
08/04/12  CL3-Fullhouse-Leg 1                       32 points
09/29/12  CL3-Fullhouse-Leg 2             1st       25 points
11/17/12  CL3-Fullhouse-Leg 3             1st       28 points   CL3-F

Strategy Games (CL3-S)

08/04/12  CL3 Snooker-Leg 1               1st       45 points
09/29/12  CL3 Snooker-Leg 2               1st       30 points
02/03/13  CL3 Snooker-Leg 1               1st       44 points
08/04/12  CL3 Jackpot-Leg 1               4th       54 points
02/03/13  CL3 Jackpot-Leg 2               1st       50 points
03/16/13  Cl3 Jackpot-Leg 3               1st       55 points   CL3-S

Handler Games (CL3-H)

11/27/12  CL3 Colours-Leg 1               1st       30.24/44
01/19/13  CL3 Colours-Leg 2               1st       21.96/38
04/13/13  CL3 Colours-Leg 3               1st       19.82/52
02/03/13  CL3 Wildcard-Leg 1              1st       17.69/32 
03/29/13  CL3 Wildcard-Leg 2              1st       19.79/34
04/13/13  CL3 Wildcard-Leg 3              1st       23.32/42    CL3-H and Level 3 title

CPE Level 4 (8 Standard Q's and 4 of each Game)

Regular (CL4-R)

02/03/13  CL4 Regular - Leg 1             1st       43.12/57
03/09/13  CL4 Regular - Leg 2             1st       50.50/60
03/29/13  CL4 Regular - Leg 3             3rd       53.54/51
04/13/13  CL4 Regular - Leg 4             1st       58.74/76
07/06/13  CL4 Regular - Leg 5             2nd       46.34/59
02/01/14  CL4 Regular - Leg 6             2nd       50.73/53
03/22/14  CL4 Regular - Leg 7             1st       42.33/64
11/15/14  CL4 Regular - Leg 8             1st       36.82/57    CL4-R

Fun Games (CL4-F)

03/09/13  CL4 Jumpers - Leg 1             1st       29.93/35
03/16/13  CL4 Jumpers - Leg 2             3rd       26.37/34
04/13/13  CL4 Jumpers - Leg 3             1st       32.96/38
07/06/13  CL4 Jumpers - Leg 4             1st       28.61/38
08/11/13  CL4 Jumpers - Leg 5             1st       34.19/35
01/19/13  CL4 Fullhouse-Leg 1             1st       27 points
02/23/13  CL4 Fullhouse-Leg 2             1st       34 points
03/09/13  CL4 Fullhouse-Leg 3             1st       32 points
03/16/13  Cl4 Fullhouse-Leg 4             1st       38 points   CL4-F

Handler Games (CL4-H)

06/29/13  CL4 Wildcard-Leg 1              1st       29.82/34
02/01/14  CL4 Wildcard-Leg 2              1st       26.55/29
11/15/14  CL4 Wildcard-Leg 3              1st       19.95/36
01/17/15  CL4 Wildcard-Leg 4              1st       26.91/33
07/06/13  CL4 Colours -Leg 1              2nd       20.05/36
08/11/13  CL4 Colours -Leg 2              1st       17.30/29
01/31/15  CL4 Colours -Leg 3              1st       14.90/31
03/21/15  CL4 Colours -Leg 4              2nd       16.59/35    CL4-H

Strategy Games (CL4-S)

03/29/13  CL4 Snooker - Leg 1             1st       51 points
06/29/13  CL4 Snooker - Leg 2             1st       48 points
08/09/13  CL4 Snooker - Leg 3             1st       51 points
02/01/14  CL4 Snooker - Leg 4             1st       51 points
03/29/13  CL4 Jackpot - Leg 1             2nd       50 points
01/18/14  CL4 Jackpot - Leg 2             1st       53 points
02/01/14  CL4 Jackpot - Leg 3             2nd       54 points
02/01/15  CL4 Jackpot - Leg 4             1st       50 points   CL4-S

CPE Level 5 - C-ATCH (10 Standard Q's and 5 of each Game)


11/16/14  CL5 Regular - Leg 1             1st       35.62/47
12/06/14  CL5 Regular - Leg 2             2nd       32.02/55
12/06/14  CL5 Regular - Leg 3             2nd       31.08/55
01/17/15  CL5 Regular - Leg 4             3rd       35.87/56
01/31/15  CL5 Regular - Leg 5             2nd       31.68/50
02/01/15  CL5 Regular - Leg 6             2nd       35.34/54
03/22/15  CL5 Regular - Leg 7             1st       35.36/58
01/09/16  CL5 Regular - Leg 8             1st       36.64/59
01/10/16  CL5 Regular - Leg 9             1st       36.58/60    
01/10/16  CL5 Regular - Leg 10            1st       34.34/52    CL5-R
04/15/18  CL5 Regular - Leg 11            1st       39.16/59

Fun Games (CL5-F)

08/03/13  CL5 Jumpers - Leg 1             1st       23.92/32
08/11/13  CL5 Jumpers - Leg 2             3rd       22.77/41
03/22/14  CL5 Jumpers - Leg 3             1st       27.08/44
05/31/14  CL5 Jumpers - Leg 4             1st       33.21/41
1/15/14   CL5 Jumpers - Leg 5             1st       23.33/32
03/23/13  CL5 Fullhouse-Leg 1             1st       38 points
03/29/13  CL5 Fullhouse-Leg 2             1st       31 points 
08/03/13  CL5 Fullhouse-Leg 3             1st       36 points
12/07/13  CL5 Fullhouse-Leg 4             1st       40 points
03/22/15  CL5 Fullhouse-Leg 5             1st       36 points   CL5-F

Handler Games (CL5-H)

06/27/15  CL5 Wildcard - Leg 1            1st       18.87'/32'
11/15/15  CL5 Wildcard - Leg 2            2nd       23.36'/37'
01/09/16  CL5 Wildcard - Leg 3            2nd       23.11'/30'
01/21/17  CL5 Wildcard - Leg 4            1st       22.89/40'
09/25/17  CL5 Wildcard - Leg 5            1st       23.07'/40'
06/28/15  CL5 Colours  - Leg 1            1st       16.32'/36'
02/07/16  CL5 Colours  - Leg 2                      16.26
10/14/17  CL5 Colours  - Leg 3            2nd       17.48 /29'
11/19/17  CL5 Colours  - Leg 4            1st       17.08/29'
12/10/17  CL5 Colours  - Leg 5            1st       28.96/36    C-ATCH
04/14/18  CL5 Colours  - Leg 6            2nd       18.20/38'
04/15/18  CL5 Colours  - Leg 7            1st       20.04/34'

Strategy Games (CL5-S)

03/22/14  CL5 Snooker - Leg 1             1st       44 points
11/16/14  CL5 Snooker - Leg 2             1st       51 points
01/31/15  CL5 Snooker - Leg 3             2nd       51 points
06/28/15  CL5 Snooker - Leg 4             1st       51 points
09/24/17  CL5 Snooker - Leg 5             4th       36 points
03/22/15  CL5 Jackpot - Leg 1             2nd       57 points
06/28/15  CL5 Jackpot - Leg 2             1st       61 points
11/14/15  CL5 Jackpot - Leg 3             1st       60 points
10/14/17  CL5 Jackpot - Leg 4             2nd       46 points
11/19/17  CL5 Jackpot - Leg 5             2nd       51 points

Level C - CPE Agility Team Extraordinaire: C-ATE

Clean Runs Only to Qualify
5000 Points are required to obtain the C-ATE:
3000 points are defined by class requirements - 20 legs in each class
2000 points are earned by handler choice of classes
Extraordinaire Titles require 30 legs for each class

Level C Standard - 25 points (x 20 =500 points)


Level C Fullhouse - 20 points x 2 = 40 (x 20 =400 points)

11/15/14  CLC Fullhouse - Leg 1           2nd       33 points
11/16/14  CLC Fullhouse - Leg 2           3rd       30 points
06/27/15  CLC Fullhouse - Leg 3           2nd       35 points
11/14/15  CLC Fullhouse - Leg 4           2nd       31 points

Level C Jumpers - 20 points (x 20 =400 points)

06/29/15  CLC Jumpers - Leg 1             2nd       25.39/38
01/09/16  CLC Jumpers - Leg 2             1st       22.51/36
01/21/17  CLC Jumpers - Leg 3             2nd       27.17/40

Level C Colors - 15 points (x 20 =400 points)


Level C Wildcard - 20 points (x 20 =400 points)


Level C Jackpot - 25 points (x 20 =500 points)


Level C Snooker - 25 points (x 20 =500 points)


Total Points Toward C-ATE 40 (4,960 Remaining)

Lifetime Cumulative Points as of 31 December 2014 -


09/24/11  20th CL2-F
12/11/11  17th CL2-S
01/28/12  19th CL2-H
02/18/12  22nd CL2-R
02/18/12  16th Level 2 Title
11/17/12  29th CL3-F
01/19/13  28th CL3-R
03/16/13  27th CL3-S
04/13/13  28th CL3-H
04/13/13  23rd Level 3 Title
03/16/13  17th CL4-F
11/15/14  19th CL4-R
02/01/15  19th CL4-S
03/21/15  23rd CL4-H
03/21/15  15th Level 4 Title

03/22/15  CL5-F
01/10/16  CL5-R
11/19/17  CL5-S
12/10/17  CL5-H

12/10/17  14th C-ATCH!!!!

Caol Ila's Links




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