Grendel Retires
Oct 23, 2013
Hi all, At almost 13 years with an inoperable liver tumor it was time to let her just be a crazy dog. Grendel (Spindrift Cookie Monster Risa CD RN PT AX MXJ VX) has retired. She was supposed to retire back in September but we were in a pretty bad car accident that week. After 4 weeks of extensive physical therapy so I could at least turn my head and run, we had our final run on Sunday. It was beautiful. She was excited and so happy to be there. She ran like a champ, sassing me the whole way. I have never been so proud of her as I was at that moment when we finished. Grendel has been a handful of a dog. She has had sound sensitivi ty issues that I made worse then had to fix. But most of all she has been my friend and companion. I find it one of my greatest achievements as a trainer that I let her be her and not what I wanted her to be. Subsequently she has raised several dogs and my boys to be wild and crazy just like her. Now we are on to hiking, running, and more herding! Hug all your special dogs tonight. It really isn’t the titles that matter, it truly is the journey. Grendel has taught me well. -Kim Krueger and Grendel
11/02/10 Novice P 16" Leg 1 100 1st 36.72'/79' 156y 1/08/11 Novice P 16" Leg 2 90 40.95'/74' 144y 1/09/11 Novice P 16" Leg 3 100 1st 36.61'/76' 148y NAP
2/19/11 Open P 16" Leg 1 90 2nd 45.04'/64' 143y 2/20/11 Open P 16" Leg 2 100 1st 40.15'/67' 152y 6/11/11 Open P 16" Leg 3 95 2nd/4 49.37'/67' 152y OAP
11/02/10 Novice P 16" Leg 1 100 1st 23.39'/38' 99y 1/08/11 Novice P 16" Leg 2 100 3rd 26.72'/43' 113y 1/09/11 Novice P 16" Leg 3 100 2nd 20.33'/38' 99y NJP
2/20/11 Open P 16" Leg 1 100 2nd 29.34'/44 136y 4/10/11 Open P 16" Leg 2 100 1st/2 32.20'/47 147y 6/12/11 Open P 16" Leg 3 100 2nd/4 26.77'/42' 128y OJP
7/16/11 Excellent AP16" Leg 1 100 2nd/3 36.50'/45' 150y 3/24/12 Excellent AP16" Leg 2 100 1st/3 34.18'/44' 148y 6/09/12 Excellent AP16" Leg 3 100 1st/3 35.68'/43' 138y AJP
8/25/12 Excellent BP16" Leg 1 100 32.02'/41' 135y 2/16/13 Excellent BP16" Leg 2 100 32.98'/41' 145y
9/17/11 Time2Beat-P 16"-Leg 1 9 39.81'/38.84'
November 8, 2010
I finally did it. I moved Miss Grendel down to preferred. I must say we had an absolute blast. It was so much fun to run Novice courses again. She flew through the course and had so much fun. It was time to do it and I am thankful I have preferred to run her in. Thanks everyone!
4/25/04 Novice B 20" Leg 1 95 2nd/4 62.28'/65' 6/13/04 Novice B 20" Leg 2 100 2nd/6 47.62'/65' 10/30/04 Novice B 20" Leg 3 95 2nd/5 63.20'/72' NA
1/15/05 Open 20" Leg 1 95 4th/11 57.35'/71' 3/13/05 Open 20" Leg 2 95 3rd/17 44.52'/67' 10/09/05 Open 20" Leg 3 95 4th/15 57.83'/75' OA
2/19/06 Excellent A 20" Leg 1 100 53.48'/64' 9/15/06 Excellent A 20" Leg 2 100 1st/8 50.46'/63' 9/30/07 Excellent A 20" Leg 3 100 2nd/20 46.26'/59' 4.05 AX
2/15/04 Novice B 20" Leg 1 100 2nd/6 26.54'/36' 10/16/04 Novice B 20" Leg 2 100 1st/5 27.02'/35' 11/28/04 Novice B 20" Leg 3 95 1st/1 34.35'/36' NAJ
8/07/05 Open 20" Leg 1 95 4th/16 33.54'/41' 10/23/05 Open 20" Leg 2 100 2nd/15 29.69'/40' 1/14/06 Open 20" Leg 3 95 2nd/7 32.06'/35' OAJ
1/15/06 Excellent A 20" Leg 1 100 2nd/12 30.35'/37' 2/18/06 Excellent A 20" Leg 2 100 2nd/18 33.38'/39' 4/15/06 Excellent A 20" Leg 3 100 1st/15 31.34'/40' AXJ
3/08/08 Novice B 20" Leg 1 71 33.39'/32' 3/09/08 Novice B 20" Leg 2 69 4th/11 34.28'/32' 4/12/08 Novice B 20" Leg 3 59 31.35'/32' NF
1/20/08 Excellent B 20" Leg 1 100 48.59'/58' 3.74 QQ 4/12/08 Excellent B 20" Leg 2 100 50.24'/68' 4.31 3/08/09 Excellent B 20" Leg 3 100 46.77'/64' 4.36 4/11/09 Excellent B 20" Leg 4 100 49.03'/65' 4.20 QQ 11/08/09 Excellent B 20" Leg 5 100 49.64'/61' 3.88 QQ 9/18/10 Excellent B 20" Leg 6 100 47.83'/60' 172y
9/14/06 Excellent B 20" Leg 1 100 4th/12 29.64'/40' 11/19/06 Excellent B 20" Leg 2 100 29.75'/38' 1/14/07 Excellent B 20" Leg 3 100 37.96'/40' 3.98 11/10/07 Excellent B 20" Leg 4 100 33.58'/40' 4.47 11/11/07 Excellent B 20" Leg 5 100 32.39'/40' 4.63 1/13/08 Excellent B 20" Leg 6 100 31.31'/41' 4.85 1/20/08 Excellent B 20" Leg 7 100 31.79'/37' 4.31 QQ 4/11/09 Excellent B 20" Leg 8 100 34.50'/43' 4.64 QQ 6/13/09 Excellent B 20" Leg 9 100 31.00'/45' 5.42 9/26/09 Excellent B 20" Leg 10 100 31.54'/39' 4.69 MXJ
11/08/09 Excellent B 20" Leg 11 100 31.75'/41' 4.88 QQ 1/09/10 Excellent B 20" Leg 12 100 32.62'/41' 154y 1/10/10 Excellent B 20" Leg 13 100 33.56'/42' 158y 2/13/10 Excellent B 20" Leg 14 100 33.45'/41' 154y 7/17/10 Excellent B 20" Leg 15 100 32.46'/42' 158y
9/14/06 CPs- 10 11/19/06 CPs- 8 1/14/07 CPs- 2 11/10/07 CPs- 6 11/11/07 CPs- 7 1/13/08 CPs- 9 1/20/08 CPs- 14 QQ 4/12/08 CPs- 17 3/08/09 CPs- 17 4/11/09 CPs- 23 QQ 6/13/09 CPs- 14 9/26/09 CPs- 7 11/08/09 CPs- 20 QQ 1/09/10 CPs- 8 1/10/10 CPs- 8 2/13/10 CPs- 7 7/17/10 CPs- 9 9/18/10 CPs- 12
Total CPs- 201 QQs- 3
Southwest and
Mountain Beardies
BAD Colorado-Becket, Bronte Grendel, Kailey, Mindy, and Molly