Sunshine's Risky Business


Risky D898076-Bitch-7/18/89 - 5/7/04 - Rainbow Bridge

Breeders: Ron and Merlyn Miller

Owner/Handler: Cindy Nellipowitz of Keno, OR

<< Hi, Libby. I am very sad to tell you that I lost my sweet, sweet Risky girl 5/7/04. I've written a sort of memorial for her which will be in the next bulletin. I just had to pour my heart out. We planted a tree with her ashes because the only place she ever wanted to be was with me. She got her UD because I wanted it, she got her agility titles because I wanted it. Anyway, I share your pain of loss. There will never be another Risky.>>

AKC D898076

Standard Titling

1/16/98   Novice A 20"-Leg 1    90
1/17/98   Novice A 20"-Leg 2    95              52.69'/60'
10/3/98   Novice A 20"-Leg 3   100      3rd/5   46.68'/66'	 NA

Jumps with Weaves

10/18/98  Novice B 20"-Leg 1   100      2nd/5   35.03'/37'
5/15/99   Novice B 20"-Leg 2   100      2nd/4   32.00'/33'
9/06/99   Novice B 20"-Leg 3    98      5th/9   41.04'/39'	 NAJ			


11/1/97   Novice Regular -Leg 1 -10     1st/
8/23/98   Novice Veterans-Leg 2  -5     1st/
4/10/99   Novice Veterans-Leg 3 -10     1st/7   44.65'/45.22'
4/11/99   Novice Veterans-Leg 4 -10     1st/9   53.50'/57.93'   NAC  
4/11/99   Novice Veterans-Leg 5 -10     1st/8   45.50'/56.03'

8/22/98   Novice Jumpers Veteran -Leg 1 1st/    20.66'/31.17'
8/23/98   Novice Jumpers Veteran -Leg 2 1st/    31.50'/49.00'   NJC

4/11/99   NAC  
8/23/98   NJC 

Risky's Links


Northern California Bearded Collie Fanciers




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