Springhill's Bella de Ball CL1-RFS


Breeders: Meagan Withrow and Pat Palozzola

Ch Arlin Full Circle x Ch Springhill's Queen of Hearts

Owner/Handlers: Steve and Jodee Lausmann of Citrus Heights CA


Standard Titling

Jumpers with Weaves



CPE 11336-02

CPE Level 1 (2 Qualifying Standard Legs and 1 of each Game)

Regular (CL1-R)

 2/21/09  CL1-Standard-Leg 1-CR      1st       38.38'
 5/09/09  CL1-Standard-Leg 2-CR      2nd       40.95'         CL1-R
 9/06/09  CL1-Standard-Leg 3-CR      2nd       40.60'

Fun Games (CL1-F) - 2/21/09

 2/21/09  CL1-FullHouse-Leg 1        2nd       26 points
 2/21/09  CL1-Jumpers-Leg 1-CR       1st       24.51'         CL1-F

Handler Games (CL1-H)


Strategy Games (CL1S)

 5/09/09  CL1-Jackpot-Leg 1          2nd       42 points
 5/16/09  CL1-Jackpot-Leg 2          1st       52 points
 5/09/09  CL1-Snooker-Leg 1          1st       43 points      CL1-S

CPE Level 2 (4 Qualifying Standard Legs and 2 of each Game)

 5/09/09  CL2-Jumpers-Leg 1-CR       2nd       44.18'
 5/16/09  CL2-Jumpers-Leg 1- 5       2nd       29.10'
 9/06/09  CL2-Jumpers-Leg 3-CR       2nd       19.84'
 2/21/09  CL1-F  11th
 5/09/09  CL1-R  12th
 5/09/09  CL1-S  10th

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Northern California Bearded Collie Fanciers


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