First Annual BAD Awards Dinner

4 September 1999 at the BCCA National Specialty

Olympia, Washington

BAD Thankyous!

Designed our BAD Logo, our BAD T-shirts, and our BAD Certificates:

Gretchen Blackburn


Designed our Award Winning BAD Website and is ever ready with helpful tips:

Karen Norteman


Gives invaluable help with AKC Statistics and sends me monthly updates:

Joanne Williamson


Set up our first BAD Specialty Gathering:

Christiana Taylor


Prepared our BAD Awards Gifts - Agility Magnets Par Excellence:

Helix Fairweather

Awards for top BAD Beardies in AKC, NADAC, USDAA and UKC Agility

Most Outstanding AKC Beardie for 1998

Joanne Williamson and Sean

Ch Balgrae's Sean Mackay, MX, MXJ, NAC, NJC, CD, HS, JHDs, STDs, VX

35 AKC Excellent level legs in 1998

31 of these were with scores of 100

9 were with 1st placements


Only Beardie to earn three AKC JWW Titles in 1998 with highest number of F&F points

Beth White and Mirage

Ch Firstprizebears Las Vegas, OA, AXJ, NAC, NJC, PT, HCT, CGC, VX

9 JWW legs

All 100's

All with Placements


NADAC Triple Elite Beardie

Jerry Bergen and Breezy

Ch Baliwyn's Precious Friend, MX, MXJ, VAAD, VS, VJ, O-EAC, EJC, EGC, CD, TD, HIC, CGC, VX

37 Elite Regular legs

6 Elite Jumpers legs

2 Elite Gamblers legs


NADAC Outstanding Elite Jumping Beardie

Jack Buhite and Skyedance

Ch Melita Skyedance, AX, AXJ, EAC, O-EJC, OGC, PT, HCT, CGC, VX

13 Elite Jumpers legs

5 Elite Regular legs



Leslie Dawson-North with Kassi

Can Ch FbDCH Buaidh Mithandril Xerox O'Jen,



Leslie Dawson-North with Chase

Can Ch Bedlam's Catch Me If You Can,


Both Kassi and Chase tied for the first USDAA Masters Titles on 26 July 1998


USDAA Double Masters Games Beardie

Betty Winfield and Miss C

Oak Meadows Fawn Calypso, MX, MXJ, AAD, JM, SM, EAC, OGC, OJC, AADC

Miss C has earned both the Jumpers Master and the Snooker Master title on 5 & 6 June 1999



Charles Gibson and Mikie

Ch/ U-ACHX Holm Mike L. Doglas, MX, AXJ, EAC, EGC, OJC, HC, CGC

Earned 16 UKC legs all with perfect scores of 200.

3 HITs/2 High Combined



Ann Krafcheck and Tasha

Ch/ U-ACHX Meadow's Fantasia, MX, AXJ, OAC, OJC, NGC, CD, U-CD, HC, HCT, HT, CGC, VX

Earned 10 UKC legs all with perfect scores of 200.

1 HIT/1 High Combined

BAD Attitude Awards!

"Youngest Agility Beardie to have earned legs and titles"

Karen Barratt and Jet-8/9/97

O'Duinnin HMT Sonic Boom, OA, OAJ, NAC

First leg at 12 months and 27 days

First title, NA, at 14 months 16 days

Five titles before age 2


"Oldest Beardie to have earned legs and titles"

Joanne Williamson and Corey-11/4/85

BIS Am/Can/Bda Ch Parcana Lord Corwin, OA, NAJ, CDX, HC, VX, ROMA

First leg at 11 years, 2 days

Most recent leg and title at 12 years, 8 months


"Most Senior Handler"

Mary Edner and Trouble

Ch Sweet Romance of Lonetree, OA, NAJ, PT, CGC

At 73 years young, Mary shows us how it is done!


"Most Junior Handler"

Ashley Spidey and Spiff

Ch Chantilly Look Before You Leap,


Spiff is Junior Handled by Iris Berry's 12 year old granddaughte r


"Herds Cats through the Weave Poles-10 in a row!"

Amos Prassa

Moonsong's Scottish Bobbie, CGC

Here the Beardie is the Handler and isn't Sharon surprised!


"The Comeback Beardie"

Ann Chandoha and Stoli

Ch O'Duinnin Andy Gabel Stolaway, OA, NAJ, HIC, CGC

We thought that Stoli would not be able to do agility again and now he is back!


"Swam in the Kiddie Pool three times as part of his Agility Course!"

Charlie Norteman

WayToMe Midsummer Knight, HIC


"Stays closest to home!"

Beth Tilson and Miles

Ch Chantilly High Stakes, OA, NAJ, NAC, NJC, HIC, CGC

Earned NA in only three runs within 30 miles of home


"Fastest Beardie in the West"

Jack Buhite and Caper

Ch Skyedance Lord a-Leaping, OA, OAJ, NAC, OGC, NJC, PT, HCT, CGC

Clocked at 15 mph on a Jumpers Course

Zipped through 36 Weave Poles in 9:44' - roughly 4 poles per second!

Invented "Tandem Weave Poles"

--dashed onto a course without a handler & wove through all the poles behind Skyedance


"Alaska's First Agility Titled Beardie"

Pat Hansen and Molly

Arcadias UBA Northern Girl, NJC, STD-s, CGC


"EverReady Beardie Award"

Ann Krafcheck and Drake

Meadows' Legend of the Dragon, NAJ, NJC, U-AGI, HIC, HCT, HT

For the Beardie that keeps going....and going....and going


"The "GO LOOK!!! Award"

Kathy Pavlich and Fallon

Ger/Am Ch Firstprizebears Hellowell, OA, OAJ, HT, CGC

For the Handler who can be heard in the next building


"Loves to Argue on the Table"

Barbara Stone and Colton

Ch Ragtyme Doubly Smashing, NA, NAC, HC, HCT, CGC

"barked and barked and barked"

14 BAD Beardies have earned 10 or more Agility Titles

22 - Jerry Bergen and Breezy

Ch Baliwyn's Precious Friend, MX, MXJ, VAAD, VS, VJ, O-EAC, EJC, EGC

[CD, TD, HC, CGC, VX ]


21 - Betty Winfield and Miss C

Oak Meadows Fawn Calypso, MX, MXJ, AAD, JM, SM, EAC, OGC, OJC, AADC


19 - Charles Gibson and Mikie

Ch/ U-ACHX Holm Mike L. Doglas, MX, AXJ, EAC, EGC, OJC

[HC, HT, CGC, VX ]


16 - Antoinette Krafcheck and Tasha

Ch/ U-ACHX Meadow's Fantasia, MX, AXJ, OAC, OJC, NGC



15 - Jack Buhite and Skyedance

Ch Melita Skyedance, AX, AXJ, EAC, O-EJC, OGC



13 - Leslie Dawson-North and Chase

Can Ch Bedlam's Catch Me If You Can, AX, MXJ, MAD, MADC



13 - Leslie Dawson-North and Kassi

Can Ch FbDCH Buaidh Mithandril Xerox O'Jen, AX, AXJ, MAD, JM, MADC

[Can CDX, Am CD, HC, CGC ]


13 - Sharon Prassa and Annie

Moonsong Klassical Legacy, MX, AXJ, EAC-V, OJC, NGC

[CDX, HS, HTD-1-s, CGC, VX ]


11- Toni Tuck and Patty

Ch Britannia Peppermint Patty, MX, OAJ, OAC-V, OJC-V, NGC

[UDT, Can. CD, VX ]


11- Iris Berry and Spiff

Ch Chantilly Look Before You Leap, AD, OA, OAJ, EAC, OJC, NGC

[FDCh, JHD-s, TT, JS-O, GS-N, CGC ]


11- Mary Lott and Patsch

Edmar My Own Sweet Patsch, OA, OAJ, AD, OAC, OJC, OGC



10 -Joanne Williamson and Sean

Ch Balgrae's Sean Mackay, MX, MXJ, NAC, NJC

[CD, HS, JHDs, STDs, VX ]


10 -Betty Winfield and K.C.

Goldcrest K.C., AX, AAD, OAC, NJC, ADC



10 -Karen Barratt and Boo!

Ch O'Duinnin Picabo Streak, AX, AXJ, AD, NAC, NJC, NGC


18 BAD Beardies have earned Agility Firsts:

Jerry Bergen and Breezy

Ch Baliwyn's Precious Friend, MX, MXJ, VAAD, VS, VJ, EAC, EJC, EGC, CD, TD, HC, CGC, VX


Iris Berry and Spiff

Ch Chantilly Look Before You Leap, AD, OA, OAJ, EAC, OJC, NGC, FDCh, JHD-s, TT, JS-O, GS-N, CGC


Jack Buhite and Skyedance

Ch Melita Skyedance, AX, AXJ, EAC, O-EJC, OGC, HC, HCT, HT, CGC, VX


Beth Canner and Ryan

Ch Jande's Hellava Knight, AGII, CD, HC, PUP

1st Agility title- AGI- 2/22/92


Liz Cox and Lucy

Ch Oakengates Havin' a Ball, OA, AXJ, TD, VX

1st AKC Open JWW-OAJ- 6/13/98


Leslie Dawson-North and Chase

Can Ch Bedlam's Catch Me If You Can, AX, AXJ, MAD, MADC, CDX, HC, CGC, FDX

1st USDAA Master Agility Dog-MAD- 7/26/98


Leslie Dawson-North and Kassi

Can Ch FbDCH Buaidh Mithandril Xerox O'Jen, AX, AXJ, MAD, JM, MADC, Can CDX, Am CD, HC, CGC


Charles Gibson and Mikie

Ch/U-ACHX Holm Mike L. Doglas, MX, AXJ, EAC, EGC, OJC, HIC, HT, CGC, VX


Frank Konopasek and Max

Scotdale's Cortland, OA, U-AGII, HC, HCT

1st AKC Open title- OA- 4/2/95


Antoinette Krafcheck and Tasha

Ch/U-ACH Meadow's Fantasia, MX, AXJ, OAC, OJC, NGC, CD, UCD, HC, HCT, CGC, VX


Penny Leigh and Tribbles

Ch Arcadia's Caliburn Smoky Topaz, MX, AD, UD, HC, ROM, VX


Cindy Nellipowitz and Risky

Sunshine's Risky Business, NA, NAC-V, NJC-V, UD


Sharon Prassa and Annie

Moonsong Klassical Legacy, MX, AXJ, EAC-V, OJC, NGC, CDX, HS, HTD-1-s, VX

1st NADAC Elite Regular Class-Veteran-EAC-V- 5/2/98


Antonia Tuck and Patty

Ch Britannia Peppermint Patty, MX, OAJ, OAC-V, OJC-V, NGC, UDT, Can CD, VX


Emily Venator and Denia

Am/Can Champion Melville's Poetry in Motion, OA, NAC, NJC, ADC, HC, FMX, CGC, TT, VA

1st AKC title- NA- 8/28/94


Joanne Williamson and Sean

Ch Balgrae's Sean Mackay, MX, MXJ, NAC, NJC, CD, HS, JHDs, STDs, VX

1st AKC Masters JWW- MXJ- 11/20/98


Betty Winfield and K.C.

Goldcrest K.C., AX, AAD, OAC, NJC, ADC, CDX


Betty Winfield and Miss C

Oak Meadows Fawn Calypso, MX, MXJ, AAD, EAC, OGC, OJC, AADC

Three BAD Beardies have earned BCCA Firsts

First ROMA Dam - Alice Buschman and Jesse

Ch Stonehaven's Highland Jesse, CDX, Can CD, HC, CGC, ROMO


First ROMA Sire - Alice Buschman and Cappy

Charafox's Captain MacDuff, HC


First ROMAX Dam - Pam Harris and Amber

Ch Spindrift Pride of Glengarry, OA, OAJ, NAC, OJC, U-AGI, PT, JHD, CD, ROM, ROMI, ROMO, ROMA, VX


First Versatility Excellent Agility Beardie - Ann Rambaud and Rascal

Ch Kiku Coffee and Cream, NA, UD, HS, HCT, PCX, CGC, VX

Last updated 11 December 2002

AKC Championship Points Earned

USDAA Title Holders

NADAC Title Holders

CPE Title Holders

UKC Title Holders

BAD Honors:

BAD Honors Top Beardies

Beardie Agility Firsts

BAD Awards:

BAD Awards 1999

BAD Awards 2000

BAD Awards 2001

BAD Awards 2002

BAD Awards 2003

BAD Awards 2004

BAD Awards 2005


BCCA Agility Committee

Diehard Trophy

Off to a BAD Start


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