1-BCCA Awards:
Beginning in September of 2001, our fifteen-member Agility Committee, in conjunction with the Beardie Agility Diehards, worked with Chet Jezierski and Century Manufacturing in the creation of the Diehard Trophy for overall excellence in AKC Agility in both Standard and Jumpers with Weaves at the Excellent level. The Diehard Trophy was presented at last year's Specialty for the first time. We also presented a memento to the winner of this trophy that she may keep. Beth White worked with John Stanbridge on the creation of a bronze Jumper with Weaves Trophy, in Honor of Mirage. It, too, was presented for the first time last year and is a trophy that the winner may keep. Each year a new trophy is created to be displayed on a special base bearing the full list of annual winners. Currently our committee is drawing up a proposal for the place of the new AKC Preferred Classes in the BCCA Awards Program.
2-American Kennel Club Request:
Libby Myers-Buhite, at the request of the BCCA President and several agility participants, spoke with Sharon Anderson, the AKC's Agility Director, asking her for a clarification of the AKC's hairband policy. After consultation with field representatives, Sharon wrote a letter to the AKC Judges clarifying the policy and stating that cloth covered bands MAY be used, as long as they are small. She sent pictures clarifying which are acceptable and which not acceptable. To see which bands are allowed, go to: www.BeardieAgilityDiehards.org/BADagility/AKCbands.html
The Agility Committee fosters the sport of dog agility through publication in the Bulletin and the Bagpipes. All AKC Titles and BCCA Awards are published in the BCCA Bulletin. The Beardie Agility Diehards (BAD) pay for all agility pages above the yearly allotment and for the publication of USDAA, NADAC, and UKC titles as well. Over the last six years the Diehards have sponsored 55.5 pages in the Bulletin and contributed $5,300 toward publication. These extra pages are considered "ads." This year in the Bagpipes the focus was on Beardie clubs and groups around the country and what they are doing for the sport of Agility.
The BCCA website's Agility Section contains two agility articles by previous Chairs, Beth Canner and Penny Leigh, and a link to the Beardie Agility Diehard website (www.beardieagilitydiehards.org).
The BAD website, started on New Year's Day 1998, includes two sections devoted to BCCA Agility, listing the current BCCA Agility Committee, the complete list of all BCCA Agility Award winners since 1996, the Register of Merit for Agility, and all of the BCCA National Specialty results with pictures, starting with the first trial in 1996. Regional Beardie Club Specialty Agility Trials are featured as well. The website includes all 267 Beardies who have earned legs and titles in the four United States dog agility organizations. Dues paying members have pages with pictures and their complete agility statistics. All others are listed together by geographical regions. Currently there are 329 Agility Beardies on the BAD Website, including 293 at home and 37 abroad.
The Beardie Agility Line, started in January of 2000, brings the Agility Community from around the USA and all over the world into contact with one another to discuss techniques, to help those new to the sport, and to share agility successes and questions. Joanne Williamson publishes the AKC legs and titles to this line on a monthly basis and the standings periodically. Libby Myers-Buhite publishes the USDAA and UKC titles and Lu Bergen publishes the NADAC titles on a regular basis. The year-end BCCA Awards are confirmed and published to the line before being printed in the Bulletin.
5-Agility Legs and Titles earned in United States Organizations:
AKC-American Kennel Club: 260 Beardies have earned AKC legs. We now have 2 Double Champions, 4 Champions, 24 Beardies who have earned "Double Masters" titles in Standard and Jumpers with Weaves, 36 Beardies with at least one Masters title, and 77 Beardies with Excellent titles.
NADAC-North American Dog Agility Council: 96 Beardies have earned NADAC legs. We now have 1 Beardie who is a Champion, a Veteran Champion, and an Outstanding Veteran Champion. We have two Superior Elite, 3 Outstanding Elite, and 23 Elite titled Beardies.
USDAA-United States Dog Agility Association: 57 Beardies have earned USDAA legs. We now have 3 Champions, 1 Accomplished Performance Dog, and 8 Beardies with Masters titles.
UKC-United Kennel Club: 18 Beardies have earned UKC legs, including 3 Champion Excellent Beardies and 4 Champion Beardies.
The BCCA Agility Committee would like to recognize and congratulate the winner of two of the top BCCA Agility Trophies for 2002, the Diehard and the Jumpers with Weaves trophies:
Sarah Halsey and Wizard, MACH2 Anasazi Secret of the Wizard
The BCCA Agility Committee would like to recognize and congratulate the winner of the BCCA Denia Award for 2002:
Jeff Ipser and Jax, CH Wigglesworth Out On A Limb, MX, MXJ
The BCCA Agility Committee would also like to recognize and congratulate our new Agility Champions who are Beardie ambassadors to the all-breed world of dog agility:
AKC- The Second Master Agility Champion title, the MACH2, has been earned by:
Karen Barratt's Jet, MACH2 O'Duinnin HMT Sonic Boom, AAD, EAC, EJC, OGC-- 2 February 2003
Sarah Halsey's Wizard, MACH2/ADCH Anasazi Secret of the Wizard, EAC, EJC, EGC -- 1 September 2003
NADAC- The Outstanding Veteran Agility Championship title, the O-V-NATCH, has been earned by:
Jerry Bergen's Breezy, CH NATCH/ O-V-NATCH Baliwyn's Precious Friend,
MX, MXJ, APD, VS, VJ, S-EAC, CDX, TD, HIC, VX -- 16 August 2003
UKC- The United Agility Championship title, the U-ACH, has been earned by:
Marilynn Snook's Lakotah!, U-ACH Walkoway's Vixen,
OA, OAJ, NAC, HIC, HSAs, JHD, HRD1-g,s, HTD1-g -- 7 September 2003
7- Goals for 2003-2004
The BCCA Agility Committee is currently discussing the place of the new Preferred Agility Classes in the BCCA Awards Program in relation to the trophies and certificates and how best to award title points in the Register of Merit Program. They will soon be making recommendations to the Board for approval.
8-Thank yous:
The Agility Committee thanks Joanne Williamson for doing the AKC statistics, Lu Bergen for doing the NADAC statistics, the Beardie Agility Community for the Diehard Trophy, Glenn Hamilton and Emily Venator for the Denia Award, Beth White for the Jumpers with Weaves Trophy, Beth Canner for the Ryan Awards and the Relay Banner, the Florida Club for the Sunshine Award, and Cynthia Mahigian Moorhead for making the Agility Certificates. We thank Liz Cox for chairing this year's National Specialty Agility Day. It has been a pleasure working with all of you!
Respectfully submitted by Libby Myers-Buhite and Karen Barratt, BCCA Agility Co-Chairs
Last updated 8 June 2004
BCCA Annual Agility Report - September 2000
BCCA Annual Agility Report - September 2001
BCCA Annual Agility Report - September 2002
BCCA Annual Agility Report - September 2003
BCCA Annual Agility Report - September 2004
BCCA Agility Awards - 2003
BCCA Agility Awards - 2002
BCCA Agility Awards - 2001
BCCA Agility Awards - 2000
BCCA Agility Awards - 1999
BCCA Agility Awards - 1998
BCCA Agility Awards - 1997
BCCA Agility Awards - 1996
Highs in Trial from 1996 to the Present
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 2003
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 2002
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 2001
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 2000
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 1999
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 1998
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 1997
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 1996