NCBCF Beardies do Agility

1 July 2002 - 1 July 2003

21 handlers/28 Beardies in trials - 50 new titles

348 titles in all

Charles Banfield and Lorna
Donalea's Wild Thyme, OA, NAC-V, NJC-V, CD
DL657213/01-Bitch-10/16/96-Owners: Charles and Doris Banfield 

"Can't come up a comment re Lorna's "Q's", etc. except to say that we owe a big thanks to the Beardie Agility Nation for their encouragement, tips and "looking the other way" after the many handler missteps."

AKC Standard Titling

3/01/03  Open 20"-Leg 1          95               64.38'/68'
3/02/03  Open 20"-Leg 2          95       4th/23  66.96'/66'
6/14/03  Open 20"-Leg 3          95       2nd/8   66.78'/69'  OA


5/17/03  Open Regular-Vet 20"-Leg 1-CR    1st/2   55.62'/61.27'
5/17/03  Open Regular-Vet 20"-Leg 2-CR    1st/2   56.85'/61.27'
5/18/03  Open Regular-Vet 20"-Leg 3-05    1st/2   69.63'/64.74' 

5/17/03  Novice Jumpers-Vet 20"-Leg 2-CR  1st/3   17.98'/23.16'   NJC-V

5/17/03  Novice Gamblers-Vet 20"-Leg 1-CR 2nd/4   44 Points


5/17/03  NADAC NJC-V
6/14/03  OA

Iris Berry and Tag Spindrift Risa Up and Over, NA, NAJ, NAC, NJC, HIC DL780009/06-Dog-2/17/99-Owners: Iris Berry, Jana Dozet, and Pam Harris   Jumpers with Weaves  4/27/03  Open 20"-Leg 1         100     2nd/12  31.60'/38' NADAC 12/7/02  Novice B Regular 20+-Leg 4-10 3rd/5   49.22'/59.29' 12/8/02  Novice B Regular 20+-Leg 5-10 1st/7   38.64'/54.10' NAC   12/7/02  Novice Jumpers 20+ -Leg 2 3rd/10 21.57'/29.43' NJC 12/7/02  Novice Gamblers 20+ -Leg 1 2nd/8 33+20=53 12/8/02  Novice TouchnGo 20+ -Leg 1 6th/19 42.15'/48' ------------ 12/7/02  NADAC NAC 12/7/02  NADAC NJC
Patti Bott and Spice Spindrift Risa Hot Stuff, OA, AXJ, AD DL857643/05-Bitch-11/25/00 Owners: Patti Bott, Jana Dozet and Pam Harris

"Spice is my first Bearded Collie and she has lived up to every expectation I've ever had for a teammate. She has been the brightest dog I've ever owned, a dream to train, and has an eagerness for life that makes you want to try to have as much fun as she is having."

Standard Titling

8/10/02  Novice B 20"-Leg 3      95     3rd/6   47.35'/80'   NA
9/07/02  Novice B 20"-Leg 4     100     2nd/11  43.54'/74'
9/30/02  Novice B 20"-Leg 5      90     1st/7   46.08'/69'

10/12/02 Open 20"-Leg 1          90     2nd/15  58.58'/67'
10/13/02 Open 20"-Leg 2          95     1st/13  70.68'/73'
11/23/02 Open 20"-Leg 3          95     2nd/11  55.08'/68'   OA

12/14/02 Excellent A 20"-Leg 1  100     1st/13  51.93'/68'
5/25/03  Excellent A 20"-Leg 2  100     2nd/27  53.35'/66'  

Jumpers with Weaves 

8/10/02  Novice B 20"-Leg 2     100     2nd/11  23.53'/43'
9/07/02  Novice B 20"-Leg 3     100     3rd/17  32.72'/42'   NAJ   
9/08/02  Novice B 20"-Leg 4     100     2nd/16  26.63'/38' 
9/30/02  Novice B 20"-Leg 5     100     1st/7   23.58'/38'

10/26/02 Open 20"-Leg 1         100     1st/14  28.88'/40'
12/14/02 Open 20"-Leg 2         100     4th/14  30.41'/40'
12/15/02 Open 20"-Leg 3          95             32.50'/37'   OAJ 

2/09/03  Excellent A 20"-Leg 1  100     2nd/18  37.38'/45'
3/02/03  Excellent A 20"-Leg 2  100     2nd/17  36.41'/43' 
3/15/03  Excellent A 20"-Leg 3  100	2nd/12  37.12'/44'   AXJ

6/15/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 1  100	2nd/8   32.34'/43' 
6/29/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 2  100             35.05'/47'


10/5/02   Novice Jumpers 20"  Leg 1-10   1st/10   26.49/30.31 

10/6/02   Novice Gamblers 20" Leg 1-10   3rd/7    23+20=43


1/18/03   Novice Standard 22"-Leg 1     1st/4    47.45'/64'
1/19/03   Novice Standard 22"-Leg 2     2nd/4    55.56'/62'
5/31/03   Novice Standard 22"-Leg 3     1st/6    42.46'/63'   AD
6/01/03   Novice Standard 22"-Leg 4     1st/7    47.30'/64'

8/10/02   AKC   NA
11/23/02  AKC   OA
9/07/02   AKC   NAJ 
12/15/02  AKC   OAJ 
3/15/03   AKC   AXJ 
5/31/03   USDAA AD

Jack Buhite and Caper Ch Skyedance Lord a-Leaping AX, AXJ, AAD, EAC, OJC, OGC, TN-E, WV-N, PT, HCT, CGC, VX DL56026403-Dog-12/25/94-Owners: Jack Buhite and Libby Myers-Buhite

"Caper is a thrilling dog to run. His enthusiasm is infectious." - Jack

Caper has always loved tunnels and speed, so a course which combines both is made for Caper! He was first in the nation to earn the Open tunnelers title and out of his twelve legs eight were with first places and three with seconds.

Jumpers with Weaves 

5/25/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 5  100     4th/46  30.27'/44'

5/25/03  CPs- 76


9/21/02   Open Regular 20+ Leg 3--5     3rd/7    36.82'/53.76' 
9/21/02   Open Regular 20+ Leg 4-10     1st/7    33.08'/53.30'       OAC 
9/22/02   Elite Regular 20+ Leg 1-10    1st/8    30.32'/39.47'
12/07/02  Elite Regular 20+ Leg 2-10    1st/11   40.62'/56.44'    
12/08/02  Elite Regular 20+ Leg 3-10    3rd/9    48.25'/49.86'       EAC   
12/08/02  NATCH Regular 20+ Leg 1-10    1st/8    31.82'/45.18' 
3/29/03   NATCH Regular 20+ Leg 2-05    9th/23   40.34'/47.34'     

9/22/02   Open Jumpers 20+ Leg 1-10     1st/5    22.04'/30.43'
11/10/02  Open Jumpers 20+ Leg 2-10     1st/10   23.61'/30.39'       OJC
3/30/03   Elite Jumpers 20+ Leg 1-10    1st/20   27.51'/31.20'

11/9/02   Novice Tunnelers 20+ Leg 3    1st/37   23.69'/35.42'       TN-N 
11/10/02  Open Tunnelers 20+ Leg 1      2nd/7    26.23'/34.64'
12/07/02  Open Tunnelers 20+ Leg 2      1st/5    28.01'/36.22' 
12/08/02  Open Tunnelers 20+ Leg 3      1st/4    23.18'/32.67'       TN-O
3/29/03   Elite Tunnelers 20+ Leg 1     1st/5    18.10'/22.26'  
3/30/03   Elite Tunnelers 20+ Leg 2     1st/5    25.54'/31.67'    
6/28/03   Elite Tunnelers 20+ Leg 3     3rd/7    27.48'/35.40'       TN-E
6/28/03   Elite Tunnelers 20+ Leg 4     1st/7    22.86'/33.94'  
6/29/03   Elite Tunnelers 20+ Leg 5     2nd/6    24.77'/31.00'   
6/29/03   Elite Tunnelers 20+ Leg 6     1st/5    22.07'/31.00'      

12/08/02  Novice Weavers 20+ Leg 1      4th/19   37.02'/42.25' 
3/30/03   Novice Weavers 20+ Leg 2      3rd/16   35.85'/44.30' 
6/28/03   Novice Weavers 20+ Leg 3      1st/11   37.50'/50.25'       WV-N 
6/28/03   Novice Weavers 20+ Leg 4      2nd/7    37.46'/50.64' 
6/29/03   Open Weavers   20+ Leg 1      1st/3    34.77'/39.78' 
6/29/03   Open Weavers   20+ Leg 2      1st/3    31.34'/39.78'  

3/29/03   Novice Touch&Go 20+ Leg 1     2nd/31   29.67'/41.38'          


9/01/02   Advanced Standard 26"-Leg 3 Q 	1st/20	40.87'/52'  AAD
9/02/02   Advanced Standard 26"-Leg 4 Q 	1st/16	43.86'/58'

8/18/02   Advanced Snooker 26"-Leg 2 Q                   45 pts

8/31/02   All Levels-Tunnel Madness-26" 	4th/25 


9/01/02  USDAA AAD   
9/21/02  NADAC OAC   
12/8/02  NADAC EAC   
11/10/02 NADAC OJC   
11/9/02  NADAC TN-N
12/8/02  NADAC TN-O-1st
6/28/03  NADAC TN-E      
6/28/03  NADAC WV-N  

Jack Buhite and Skyedance Ch Melita Skyedance MX, MXJ, NJP, AAD, RM, JM, EAC, EAC-V, O-EJC, OGC, TN-N, PT, HCT, CGC, VX DL37133701-Dog-4/19/91-Owners: Libby Myers-Buhite and Jack Buhite

"It was a great joy for us to see Skye's famous 'Joie de Vivre' as he returned to Jumpers at age 12, after almost a year off, and finished his Novice Preferrred Jumpers title with such aplomb on the anniversary of his MX. We look forward to more jumping at 16" and to NADAC Jumpers, Tunnelers, and Weavers." - Libby

5/25/02  CPs-343  2Qs-5 

Preferred Jumpers with Weaves

5/17/03  Novice P 16"-Leg 1     100     1st/2   27.41'/43'
5/24/03  Novice P 16"-Leg 2     100     2nd/3   27.61'/43'
5/25/03  Novice P 16"-Leg 3     100     1st/6   29.03'/43'      NJP

6/21/03  Open   P 16"-Leg 1      95     1st/2   37.92'/44'


12/8/02  Novice Tunneler 24" Leg 3             30.82/36.75      TN-N  


5/25/03  AKC   NJP
12/8/02  NADAC TN-N

Barbara Claxton and BlueBerry Headlines Rhapsody in Blue, NA, HSAs, HTD-1-s, HIC DL707725/02-Bitch-9/14/97-Owner: Barbara Claxton

"BlueBerry and I were so excited to get a title this year. BlueBerry is having fun competing and I'm happy to part of 'team BlueBerry.'"

Standard Titling

3/02/03  Novice A 20" Leg 1     100     1st/6   51.77'/71'
4/18/03  Novice A 20" Leg 2      95     1st/5   54.69'/69'
6/01/03  Novice A 20" Leg 3      90     1st/4   68.76'/76'      NA

6/29/03  Open 20" Leg 1         100     3rd/13  60.83'/62'

Jumpers with Weaves

6/28/03  Novice B 20" Leg 1      95     3rd/9   38.96'/35'

6/01/03  AKC   NA        

Barbara Claxton and Sadie Rainbow Sunshine Jump For Joy, HSA-s, HTD-1's, HIC DL703901/04-Bitch-1/13/00-Owner: Barbara Claxton

"Sadie is turning into a very nice agility girl. We need lots of work on focus as she needs to investigate everything and everyone she sees even when running a course."

Standard Titling

3/02/03  Novice A 20" Leg 1      88     2nd/6   73.66'/71'
6/29/03  Novice B 20" Leg 2     100     2nd/5   67.20'/70'

Jumpers with Weaves

9/30/02  Novice A 20" Leg 1      95     2nd/10  38.67'/38'
3/01/03  Novice A 20" Leg 2      87     2nd/7   44.43'/36'

Pat Coreris and Bingo Esprit's Summer Sunset, OA, AXJ, NAP, OJP, NAC-V, NJC-V, CDX, PT, JHD, CGC, VX DL394443/03-Dog-7/8/91-Owner: Patricia Coreris Standard Titling 7/13/02 Excellent A 20"-Leg 1 88 70.91'/66' 9/22/02 Excellent A 20"-Leg 2 91     4th/29  67.71'/66' Preferred Standard Titling 9/28/02 Novice P 16"-Leg 1     100     3rd/5   56.45'/79' 9/30/02 Novice P 16"-Leg 2      90 79.82'/74' 10/18/02 Novice P 16"-Leg 3     100     1st/6   55.98'/75'      NAP 10/20/02 Open P 16" -Leg 1      95     1st/1   69.34'/70' 4/18/03 Open P 16" -Leg 2     100     1st/1   59.81'/70' Preferred Jumpers with Weaves 9/28/02 Novice P 16"-Leg 1     100     3rd/4   30.01'/39' 9/30/02 Novice P 16"-Leg 2     100     3rd/9   33.91'/43' 10/18/02 Novice P 16"-Leg 3     100 1st/4   29.88'/45'      NJP 4/05/03 Open P 16" -Leg 1     100 1st/3   36.17'/42' 4/12/03 Open P 16" -Leg 2     100     1st/1   36.85'/41' 5/26/03 Open P 16" -Leg 3      85     2nd/x   45.62'/xx'      OJP ------------ 10/18/02 AKC NAP 10/18/02 AKC NJP 5/26/03 AKC OJP
Pat Coreris and Chipper Ch Spindrift William Rikker, MX, MXJ, AAD, EAC, OJC, PT, JHD, CD, VX DL552944/04-Dog-11/9/94-Owners: Patricia Coreris and Pam Harris Standard Titling 7/13/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 12 100       62.56'/66' 7/14/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 13 100       60.01'/68'-2Q 8/24/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 14 100       61.00'/62' 9/15/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 15 100     3rd/26 61.52'/67' 9/21/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 16 100       58.99'/64' 9/22/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 17 100       57.04'/66' 12/7/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 18 100       61.46'/63'-2Q 1/18/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 19 100       61.39'/64' 3/01/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 20 100       63.13'/68' 5/26/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 21 100       58.53'/68' 6/15/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 22 100       54.53'/66'-2Q 6/24/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 23 100       60.58'/68' 6/29/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 24 100       60.15'/60'-2Q                                                                Jumpers with Weaves 7/14/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 14 100       39.85'/46' 7/27/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 15 100       37.54'/41'-2Q 7/28/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 16 100       32.82'/39' 8/10/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 17 100       34.34'/42'  8/11/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 18 100       34.62'/42'  9/28/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 19 100       37.47'/38'  10/5/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 20 100     4th/38  39.51'/41' 11/2/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 21 100       38.80'/39'  12/7/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 22 100       46.84'/48'-2Q 1/17/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 23 100       37.15'/39' 1/19/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 24 100       42.93'/44' 4/06/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 25 100       42.98'/46'   4/18/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 26 100     3rd/8   37.57'/42' 5/18/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 27 100       36.33'/41' 5/25/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 28 100       37.77'/44' 6/15/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 29 100       39.03'/43'-2Q    6/29/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 30 100       40.02'/43'-2Q      6/29/03  CPs-223 2Qs-9  NADAC 9/07/02 NATCH Regular 24"-Leg 5-CR 45.09'/45.53' 9/07/02 NATCH Regular 24"-Leg 6-CR 1st/4 44.34'/45.53' 9/08/02 NATCH Regular 24"-Leg 7-CR 49.57'/50.97' 9/07/02 Novice Gamblers 24"-Leg 2 2nd/15 63 points NGC 9/07/02 Novice Tunnelers 24"-Leg 1 2nd/11 39.23'/42.75'  USDAA 2/22/03 Advanced Standard 26"-Leg 4-Q 3rd/ 54.83'/61' AAD 2/23/03 Advanced Standard 26"-Leg 5-Q 55.53'/60' 2/22/03 Advanced Gamblers 26"-Leg 1-Q 50 pts 2/23/03 Masters Jumpers 26"-Leg 1-Q 35.58'/36' ------------ 2/22/03 USDAA AAD  9/07/02  NADAC NGC   1 2Q towards nationals
Anne Dini and Olav ADCH Olav, OA, AXJ, EAC, EJC, EGC ILP 88915-Dog-4/15/97-Owners: Anne Dini USDAA 8/17/02 Masters Standard 26"-Leg 26 Q 2nd/21 8/18/02 Masters Standard 26"-Leg 27 Q 5th/18 8/17/02 Masters Jumpers 26"-Leg 22 Q 8/18/02 Masters Snooker 26"-Leg 23 Q
Tammy Domico and Sparkee Alashaw Place Your Bets, OA, NAJ DL778805/06-Dog-2/21/99-Owners: Tammy F. Domico and Beth J. White

"A few words about Sparkee. I don't know if I can just come up with just "a few."

To start off with, I had my eye on Beardies from the first time I saw Skye run. A dog of speed and enthusiasm, and with the pure joy of running. (Jack was having fun too.) From that time I began to research Beardies.

Beth White, whom I own much to for my boy, came to me with a female pup Mirage for lessons when Mirage was just 6 months old. She wanted to start Agility so much with her that she abided with my rules of not jumping her (OR ANY YOUNG DOG) until she was old enough and only did partial sequencing with her for some time. Mirage's first litter produced "Sparkee".

It really wasn't a good time for me to begin with a pup but Beth came to class one day carrying him and just handed him to me. From the first moment I saw him the name Sparkee popped into my head. (I've taken some ribbing from a few Beardie people for that name) I told Beth that "if I take him I'm going to name him Sparkee." She said "if you take him you can name him anything you want."

Well, Sparkee has been my joy and trial ever since. I spent time building drive and a willingness to play in ANY situation, which is often where the trial of it comes in, so we haven't spent a lot of time in the Agility ring. YET! He's a pure joy to run! And anyone who has seen him know he can run. Often into the off course tunnels 30' away. (Jack, you should have taken the bet at the Regional on that one.)

We have a lot of work ahead of us, but with a Beardie it is always fun, a challenge and I can count on the support and friendship of other Beardie Enthusiasts and especially my husband Chris."

Standard Titling

9/30/02  Open 20"-Leg 3          95     2nd/11  50.73'/70'      OA

Jumpers with Weaves 

4/06/03  Open 20"-Leg 3         100     1st/3   22.24'/35'      OAJ


9/30/02  AKC   OA
4/06/03  AKC   OAJ

Jana Dozet and Star Spindrift Catch a Risa Star, OA, OAJ, OAC, OJC, NGC, PT, CGC DL780009/05-Bitch-2/17/99-Owners: Jana Dozet and Pam Harris Standard Titling 9/21/02 Open 20"-Leg 2 100     1st/14  41.47'/70' 9/30/02 Open 20"-Leg 3 100     1st/11  57.13'/70'      OA NADAC 9/07/02   Open Regular 20" Leg 1--5     55.49'/50.90' 10/19/02  Open Regular 20" Leg 2--CR 2nd/10 35.64'/45.42' 10/19/02  Open Regular 20" Leg 3--CR 1st/10  35.77'/45.52' 10/20/02  Open Regular 20" Leg 4--5   4th/8   52.27'/56.73' OAC 10/20/02  Open Regular 20" Leg 5--CR 2nd/8   40.88'/56.73' 9/07/02   Novice Gamblers 20" Leg 2-CR  2nd/12  58 pts NGC 9/08/02   Novice Gamblers 20" Leg 3-CR  1st/10  58 pts 10/19/02  Novice Weavers 20" Leg 1--CR 1st/10  36.55'/43.50' 10/20/02  Novice Tunnelers 20" Leg 1-CR 2nd/22  23.25'/31.75' ------------ 9/30/02 AKC OA 10/20/02 NADAC OAC   9/07/02   NADAC NGC  
Mary Edner and Trouble Ch Sweet Romance of Lonetree, AX, OAJ, PT, CGC, VX DL51021001-Bitch-11/26/93-Owner: Mary I Edner  Standard Titling 4/06/03  Excellent A 20" Leg 3 85             68.20'/63'      AX   Preferred Standard Titling 9/30/02  Novice P 16" Leg 1     100     3rd/8   65.63'/74' ------------ 4/06/03  AKC AX  
Sarah Halsey and Wizard MACH/ADCH Anasazi Secret of the Wizard, EAC, EJC, EGC, CGC DL746874/01-Dog-4/9/98-Owners: Sarah and Doug Halsey

"How can I sum up in 2 or 3 sentences five of the most fun (and funny, too!), fabulous beyond belief, fantastic years in my life. With just one word: Wizzie! From the day we first saw this wiggleworm when he was just a couple of days old, then brought him home at not quite 6 weeks old, until now at 5 years, he has provided the joy and happiness we had hoped for. Comical always, expressive always, in love with any human who even glances his way. That was all we really hoped for. In addition we got an extremely fast learner, with a super desire to please and to work, and with super drive and speed. Wizzie is pure fun to run, Q or not! Then the championships and awards added to this totally unexpected dream come true! I am SO proud of Wizzie, though a champion agility dog, he is still my clown!"

Standard Titling

7/05/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 32 100     4th/35  50.79'/67'-2Q
7/06/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 33 100     5th/45  45.27'/64'-2Q
7/07/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 34 100             47.02'/64'
7/28/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 35 100             55.99'/67'
8/03/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 36 100             47.29'/66'
8/04/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 37 100     4th/60  46.56'/67'
8/10/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 38 100             53.09'/68	'-2Q
8/11/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 39 100             48.62'/68	'
8/31/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 40 100             47.03'/66'-2Q

9/02/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 41 100             45.45'/61	'
9/29/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 42 100     2nd/22  46.01'/61'
10/12/02 Excellent B 20" Leg 43 100             52.63'/66'
10/13/02 Excellent B 20" Leg 44 100	3rd/37  49.96'/68'-2Q
11/16/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 45 100	1st/14  48.65'/62'-2Q
11/29/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 46 100             51.98'/68'
11/30/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 47 100             50.82'/63'-2Q
12/14/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 48 100             48.60'/68'
12/15/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 49 100	3rd/46  51.63'/66'-2Q
12/28/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 50 100             46.83'/60'

12/29/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 51 100	4th/57  45.38'/62'-2Q
1/12/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 52 100             50.68'/68'
1/26/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 53 100             52.00'/61'-2Q
2/02/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 54 100             58.73'/68'
2/23/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 55 100             51.37'/65'-2Q
3/01/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 56 100             51.18'/65'
3/02/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 57 100             48.26'/68	'
3/08/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 58 100             51.98'/63'
3/09/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 59 100             52.48'/67'
3/22/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 60 100     1st/8   49.90'/68	'-2Q

3/29/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 61 100             45.28'/64'-2Q
3/30/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 62 100     4th/29  47.20'/63	'
4/04/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 63 100	3rd/28  46.25'/65'-2Q
4/06/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 64 100             47.85'/65	'
4/18/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 65 100	1st/9   53.96'/63'-2Q  High in Trial
4/26/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 66 100             52.67'/65'
5/23/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 67 100             47.97'/66'-2Q
5/24/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 68 100             51.38'/68'-2Q
6/21/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 69 100	2nd/48  45.74'/65'	
6/22/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 70 100             47.88'/61'-2Q	
6/28/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 71 100	3rd/47  46.17'/64'	

Jumpers with Weaves

7/05/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 45 100     5th/33  32.59'/42'-2Q
7/06/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 46 100     5th/41  36.33'/43'-2Q
7/27/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 47 100             29.25'/41	'
8/10/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 48 100     2nd/39  30.35'/45'-2Q
8/31/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 49 100             30.19'/39'-2Q
9/01/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 50 100             29.58'/43	'

9/07/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 51 100             39.16'/46	'
9/30/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 52 100     1st/11  32.06'/41'    - High in Trial
10/13/02 Excellent B 20" Leg 53 100	4th/37  33.52'/47'-2Q
11/16/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 54 100	1st/13  38.57'/47'-2Q
11/17/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 55 100	4th/13  31.30'/41'
11/23/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 56 100	1st/15  30.02'/43'
11/24/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 57 100	2nd/14  31.04'/44'
11/30/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 58 100             35.39'/41'-2Q
12/01/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 59 100             29.49'/41'
12/15/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 60 100	5th/47  31.36'/41'-2Q

12/29/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 61 100	6th/54  29.57'/35'-2Q
12/30/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 62 100	3rd/38  30.06'/40'
1/11/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 63 100             36.83'/42'
1/26/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 64 100	1st/40  30.44'/39'-2Q
2/08/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 65 100             32.90'/46	'
2/23/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 66 100             32.26'/38	'-2Q
3/22/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 67 100	1st/9   31.03'/42	'-2Q
3/29/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 68 100             28.66'/38	'-2Q
4/04/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 69 100	3rd/25  29.63'/40'-2Q
4/18/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 70 100	1st/8   31.32'/42'-2Q - High in Trial

5/03/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 71 100             32.55'/39'
5/04/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 72 100	4th/43  30.50'/45'
5/10/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 73 100             31.24'/44'
5/17/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 74 100	4th/44  28.28'/40'
5/23/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 75 100             31.25'/43'-2Q
5/24/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 76 100             32.65'/44'-2Q
6/22/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 77 100	4th/45  28.09'/44'-2Q	

6/22/03  CPs-2192  2Qs-38

"Now that the one year anniversary of Wizzie getting his MACH title is almost here (the end of June), he is FINALLY closing in on his MACH 2, now with 38 double-Qs."

14 2Q's toward nationals.  

Nearing MACH2 - Requirements 1500 CPS and 40 2Qs.


4/19/03  Masters Standard 22"-Leg 10 Q	6th/36	

2/15/03  Grand Prix Local Qualifier

Sarah Halsey and Impy
Malakar Delightfully Wicked, AX, MXJ, AD
DL840266/05-Bitch-5/13/00-Owner: Sarah Halsey

"Sweet and loving good little girl who has had to take a back seat to Wizzie's career. She is finally maturing and I am looking forward to finally starting some "real" training with her. It is fun to have different training issues. I get to learn, too! "

Standard Titling

8/31/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 1  100             52.78'/66	'-2Q
11/16/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 2  100             56.71'/62'-2Q
11/24/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 3  100	3rd/17  61.26'/68'-2Q
11/29/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 4  100             59.87'/68'
3/01/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 5  100             59.07'/65'

Jumpers with Weaves

8/31/02  Excellent B 20"-Leg 3  100             32.58'/39'-2Q
11/16/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 4  100	4th/13  45.85'/47'-2Q
11/23/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 5  100	4th/15  37.41'/43'
11/24/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 6  100             40.91'/44'-2Q
11/30/02 Excellent B 20"-Leg 7  100             38.91'/41'
02/09/03 Excellent B 20"-Leg 8  100             40.28'/45'
3/15/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 9  100             39.58'/44'
04/18/03 Excellent B 20"-Leg 10 100     2nd/8   37.15'/42'      MXJ

5/17/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 11 100             35.37'/40'
5/18/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 12 100             43.61'/46'
5/24/03  Excellent B 20"-Leg 13 100             40.22'/44'

5/24/03  CPs- 84  2Qs-  3


2/15/03   Grand Prix Qualifier 22" -Q   	(clean run)


4/18/03   AKC   MXJ

At least two 2qs toward Nationals.

Pam Harris and Jodie Ch Spindrift Charmed I'm Sure, OA, OAJ, NAC, PT DL80745303 Bitch-9/3/99-Owners: Pam and Mark Harris Jumpers with Weaves 4/27/03 Open 20" Leg 3 95             29.37'/38'      OAJ 6/15/03  Excellent A 20"-Leg 1  100     1st/3   33.69'/43' NADAC 9/07/02   Novice B Regular 22"-Leg 1-CR 1st/3   35.98'/49.81' 9/08/02   Novice B Regular 22"-Leg 2-CR 1st/3   39.11'/49.82' 5/17/03   Novice B Regular 22"-Leg 3-CR 2nd/?   33.10'/58.00' NAC ------------ 4/27/03 AKC OAJ 5/17/03   NADAC NAC
Pam and Mark Harris and Picard Ch Spindrift Jean-Luc Picard AX, AXJ, NAP, AD, OAC, OJC, NGC, JHD, PT, CGC, VX DL55294406-Dog-11/9/94-Owner: Pam Harris Jumpers with Weaves  10/6/02  Excellent A 20"-Leg 3   94     2nd/7   45.85'/43'      AXJ 4/07/02 CPs- 16     Preferred Standard Agility 4/18/03  Novice P 16" Leg 1     95     2nd/5   59.43'/74' 6/15/03  Novice P 16" Leg 2     100 1st/2   53.12'/75' 6/29/03  Novice P 16" Leg 3     100 2nd/2   58.02'/75'      NAP Preferred JWW 6/29/03  Novice P 16" Leg 1     100 1st/3   40.87'/43' ------------ 10/6/02 AKC AXJ 6/2x/03   AKC NAP
Rosanne Hunt and Zoë Camelot Sweet Zoë Latte, HT, HIC, CGC DL786177/02-Bitch-4/10/99-Owner: Rosanne Hunt
Pam Kerwin and Bogart Aellen Casablanca, HIC, HCT, HT DL803266/41-Dog-8/5/99 Owners: Pam Kerwin and Stan Gassman

"My little Bogie who dreams of stellar career as a couch potato, knows how to pull miracles out of his hat when I need them. I haven't been able to practice with my dogs much lately due to the unexpected arrival of my one year old twin grandsons. I registered for the regional agility match and the recent NCBCF herding trial just for the team spirit of the thing. I was sure Bogie and I would be disgrace to beardiedom but Barbara Claxton refused to let me chicken out of either event. To my complete amazement Bogart earned a novice standard leg in the agility match and the first leg of his Junior Herding Dog title at the herding trial. I was so shocked at the herding trial that I stopped mid-course to be sure I had taken in the correct beardie. After all his accomplishments and my praise, hugs and kisses, he gave me his "no big deal" face and went back to sleep in the sun on the deck."

Standard Titling

4/18/03  Novice A 20" Leg 1      86     2nd/5   83.11'/69'

Jumpers with Weaves

9/30/02  Novice A 20" Leg 1      95     3rd/10  38.74'/38'

Nancy Layton and Scout Dogtown Leader of the Pack, OA, NAJ, O-NAC, NJC, NGC, HCT, HTDI-s, CGC DL825168/05-Bitch-2/11/00-Owners: Nancy Layton and Scott Mandell Standard Titling 4/13/03  Open 20"-Leg 2         100     4th/11  59.47'/61' 4/18/03  Open 20" Leg 3         100     1st/4   54.98'/65' OA Jumpers with Weaves  4/12/03  Open 20"-Leg 1         100     3rd/8   29.23'/36' 6/29/03  Open 20"-Leg 2         100     4th/7   40.87'/41' NADAC 10/12/02 Novice B Regular 20+ Leg 8 10      2nd/13 31.70'/48.73' 10/13/02 Novice B Regular 20+ Leg 9 10      1st/13 36.94'/60.04' 11/16/02 Novice B Regular 20+ Leg 10 10      5th/11 52.57'/57.03' O-OAC 10/12/02 Open Jumpers 20+ Leg 1 10      1st/4 23.80'/28.63' 11/10/02 Novice Gamblers 20+ Leg 1 10      5th/20 50 points ------------ 4/18/03 AKC OA 11/16/02 NADAC O-NAC-1st xx/xx/03 NGC
Cindy Nellipowitz and Solo Ch Chantilly's Woofgang Amadeus, NAJ, NAC, NJC, HT, CD DL626451/06-Dog-4/1/96-Owners: Cindy Nellipowitz and Kathy Pavlich

"Solo is now 7. He is so full of energy and I swear he has 180 degrees of peripheral vision. We are beginning to be a team now and I absolutely LOVE working him. He either gets a placement or fails, but I'll accept that to keep his level of enthusiasm up!!! He's my 'play with me' dog."

Standard Titling

5/26/03  Novice B 20" Leg 2      95     1st/8   46.61'/69'


8/04/02  Novice Jumpers 20+ Leg 2       2nd/19  28.27'/29.79'	 NJC


8/04/02  NADAC NJC  

Cindy Nellipowitz and Sundae Chantilly's Hot Sundae, NA, NAJ, CGC DL688297/05-Bitch-5/15/97-Owners: Cindy and Dick Nellipowitz and Kathy Pavlich

"Sundae was attacked unprovoked by a GS about 2 yrs ago on a walk. She was uncomfortable around other dogs and needed her space, would leave the ring looking for the expen until this year. I've learned to make sure she isn't put in a situation at a show where she's crowded in & we just head into the ring. She loves agility and has really come into her own. She is not as flashy as Solo but is by far the more solid agility dog, running her qualifying rounds in open well under time. We anticipate being in Excellent by next year! She's my snuggler."

Standard Titling

5/23/03  Open 20" Leg 1          95     4th/10  54.70'/67'
5/24/03  Open 20" Leg 2          95     4th/15  59.83'/70'

Jumpers with Weaves

8/11/02  Novice B 20" Leg 3     100             31.74'/36'      NAJ

8/31/02  Open 20" Leg 1          95             41.60'/41'
4/18/03  Open 20" Leg 2          87     1st/5   47.92'/43'


3/30/03   Novice Jumpers-Leg 1          4th/18  18.65'/21.43'

3/30/03   Novice Gamblers-Leg 1         5th/14  50 points


8/11/02   AKC   NAJ 

Kathy Pavlich and Fallon Ger/Am Ch Firstprizebears Hellowell, AX, AXJ, NAC, NJC, HT, JHD, CGC, VX DL66457301-Bitch-11/23/93-Owner: Kathy Pavlich Standard Titling 9/02/02  Excellent B 20" Leg 5  100 64.12'/65'                    9/02/02  CPs 8  2Qs-1
Kathy Pavlich and Gina Ch Chantilly's Virginia Woof, NA, NAJ, NAC, HT DL62645102-Bitch-4/1/96-Owner: Kathleen Pavlich and Beth Tilson Jumpers with Weaves  9/30/02  Open 20" Leg 1          92     1st/12  42.21'/38' 
Sharon Prassa and Zoot Ch Britannia Zoots Me Fine, OA, OAJ, AD, NJC, NGC, HSA-s, HIC, CGC, VX DL79168902-Dog-5/15/99-Owners: Sharon Prassa and Michele Ritter

"Zoot and I continue to train on a regular basis, even though we have not competed much this year. In class and practice, his pole entrances are improving. I can say he rarely misses an entrance in class, no matter how difficult. So, what does that say about my handling in a trial situation???!!!!! We have tons of fun and the rest of his obstacles are flawless. Competing in our regional was a blast. The courses were true beardie courses and really made the handlers MOVE! I'm looking forward to our agility fun day in August."


3/08/03   Novice B Reg 20+ Leg 1-10     1st/8   38.34'/56.36'

3/01/03   Novice Jumpers 20+ Leg 1              13.40'/22.75'
3/08/03   Novice Jumpers 20+ Leg 2      1st/    18.77'/29.00'  NJC

3/01/03   Novice Gamblers 20+ Leg 1     3rd/    38 +  8 = 46
3/08/03   Novice Gamblers 20+ Leg 2     2nd     38 + 20 = 58   NGC 

3/08/03   Novice Tunnelers  20+ Leg 1           27.90'/32.25'


3/08/03   NADAC NJC
3/08/03   NADAC NGC

Beth, Ashlyn, and Katelyn White and Mirage Ch Firstprizebears Las Vegas AX, AXJ, NAP, NJP, NAC, NJC, NGC, PT, HCT, CGC, VX DL59844501-Bitch-2/28/95-Owners: Beth and Jim White and Kathy Pavlich Jumpers with Weaves  6/21/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 2  100             45.43'/45' Preferred Standard Agility 9/07/02  Novice P 16" Leg 1     100     2nd/4   73.42'/73' 9/08/02  Novice P 16" Leg 2     93     3rd/4   80.84'/78' 3/09/03  Novice P 16" Leg 3     100     2nd/3   63.87'/82'      NAP Preferred Jumpers with Weaves 9/07/02  Novice P 16" Leg 1     100     3rd/4   42.74'/50' 9/30/02  Novice P 16" Leg 2     100     4th/5   40.67'/43' 3/09/03  Novice P 16" Leg 3     100     1st/3   27.28'/42'      NJP ------------ 3/09/03 AKC NAP 3/09/03 AKC NJP
Beth, Ashlyn, and Katelyn White and Viva Alashaw's Viva Las Vegas, NA, NAJ DL77880503-Bitch-2/21/99-Owners: Beth and Jim White Regular Agility 9/07/02  Novice A 20" Leg 3     95     3rd/5   61.52'/68' NA Jumpers with Weaves 9/07/02  Novice A 20" Leg 2     100     1st/5   33.13'/42' 9/08/02  Novice A 20" Leg 3     95     4th/4   38.22'/39' NAJ 9/30/02  Novice B 20" Leg 4     87     3rd/7   41.59'/38' Preferred Standard Titling 10/27/02 Novice P 16" Leg 1     90     1st/2   46.56'/72' 3/08/03  Novice P 16" Leg 2     90     1st/2   67.30'/75' NADAC 12/07/02  Novice Jr Jumpers 20+-Leg 1 1st/1   23.38'/32.37' ------------ 9/07/02 AKC NA 9/08/02 AKC NAJ
Sharon Williamson and Brio Springhill's Spirit of Brio, MX, MXJ, AAD, JM, OAC, EJC, NGC, CD, CGC DL74651201-Bitch-5/10/98-Owner: Sharon Williamson

"Brio is the youngest member of my canine household, so even at 5, she holds "baby dog" status. She is a true companion in play and in quiet, and has been an extraordinary therapy dog for me, without therapy dog training, the past couple of years. She's very honest in her attempts to do whatever I ask for even when I'm not so clear myself. It naturally follows that she is most forgiving and still wants to partner with me."

Regular Agility

9/08/02  Excellent B 20" Leg 11 100             58.94'/68'
3/08/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 12 100             51.86'/63'-2Q
3/09/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 13 100             52.16'/67'
5/25/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 14 100             53.93'/66'-2Q
5/26/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 15 100             60.20'/66'
6/29/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 16 100             55.64'/63'-2Q

Jumpers with Weaves

8/03/02  Excellent B 20" Leg 17 100             32.87'/40' 
8/10/02  Excellent B 20" Leg 18 100             35.56'/45'
9/07/02  Excellent B 20" Leg 19 100             36.35'/46'
11/24/02 Excellent B 20" Leg 20 100	4th/14  32.37'/44'

1/25/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 21 100             33.79'/36'
1/26/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 22 100             32.27'/39'
2/08/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 23 100             33.15'/46'
3/02/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 24 100             35.43'/43'
3/08/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 25 100             36.98'/42'-2Q
3/29/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 26 100             30.94'/38'
5/10/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 27 100             33.08'/44'
5/11/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 28 100             33.94'/45'
5/23/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 29 100             35.47'/43'
5/24/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 30 100             40.62'/44'

5/25/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 31 100             35.43'/41'-2Q 
6/07/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 32 100             32.09'/42'
6/21/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 33 100             29.73'/37'
6/28/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 34 100             43.29'/45'
6/29/03  Excellent B 20" Leg 35 100             39.41'/47'-2Q      

5/26/03 CPs-388 2Qs-7 


9/27/02   Open  Regular 20+ Leg 3-10    2nd/12
11/16/02  Open  Regular 20+ Leg 3-10    1st/20  66.77'/54.83'     OAC
11/17/02  Elite Regular 20+ Leg 1-10    1xt/xx  42.70'/35.59' 
6/14/03   Elite Regular 20+ Leg 2-05            47.30'/49.07'
11/16/02  Open  Jumpers 20+ Leg 2       2nd/22  32.89'/27.51'     OJC
11/17/02  Elite Jumpers 20+ Leg 1       2nd/16  28/72'/25.40' 
6/14/03   Elite Jumpers 20+ Leg 2               24.60'/22.75'     EJC
6/15/03   Elite Jumpers 20+ Leg 3               25.77'/24.87'  

9/27/02   Open Gamblers 20+ Leg 1       4th/17  53 pts

9/27/02   Novice Weavers 20+ Leg 1              35.44'/41.07'


8/25/02   Masters Jumpers 22"-Leg 5-Q		   32.06'/38'	    JM
1/xx/03   Masters Jumpers 22"-Leg 6-Q

8/24/02   Masters Pairs 22"-Leg 2   Q
2/15/03   Masters Pairs 22" Leg 3   Q	


8/25/02   USDAA JM
11/16/02  NADAC OAC
11/16/02  NADAC OJC
6/14/03   NADAC EJC

Three Double Q's toward nationals.

Northern California Bearded Collie Fanciers

NCBCF Versatility Beardies

Northern California Bearded Collie Fanciers' Agility Page

AKC Licensing for Agility

NCBCF Beardies do AKC Agility

NCBCF Agility-Legs and Titles listed

NCBCF Agility Titles Table

NCBCF Agility-Legs and Titles from July 1, 2002 through July 1, 2003

NCBCF Agility Legs and Titles earned from June 1, 2003 - September 14, 2003

NCBCF Agility Legs and Titles earned from September 15, 2003 - March 7, 2004

NCBCF Herding Beardies

NCBCF Obedience Beardies

Off to a BAD Start

On to the BADWAGS-Who Are We?

Email Libby with an update