Respectfully submitted by Libby Myers-Buhite and Joanne Williamson, BCCA Agility Co-Chairs
1-BCCA Awards: Emily Venator and Glenn Hamilton replaced the Denia Award, providing a new plaque, a larger base and a shipping box.
2-Publication: The Agility Committee fosters the sport of dog agility through publication in the Bagpipes and the Beardie Bulletin. Milestones and events are published in the Bagpipes, as well as the annual report. All AKC Titles and BCCA Awards are published in the Bulletin as well as articles on the sport. The Beardie Agility Diehards (BAD) pay for all agility pages above the yearly allotment and for the publication of USDAA, NADAC, CPE, and UKC titles as well. Over the last ten years the Diehards have sponsored 120 pages in the Bulletin and contributed $10,935 toward publication.
3-Internet: The BCCA website's Agility Section contains agility articles and a link to the Beardie Agility Diehard website ( The BAD website, started on New Year's Day 1998, has a large section devoted to BCCA Agility, listing the current BCCA Agility Committee, the complete list of BCCA Agility Award winners since 1996, the Register of Merit for Agility, the National Specialty results starting with the first trial in 1996, and the annual agility reports. Regional Clubs' Agility Trials are featured as well. The website includes the 402 Beardies who have earned legs and titles in the five United States dog agility organizations. Currently there are 494 Agility Beardies on the BAD Website, including 442 at home and 52 abroad. The Beardie Agility Line, started in January of 2000, brings together the Agility Community from the USA and around the world to help those new to the sport, to discuss techniques, and to share agility successes and questions. Joanne Williamson publishes the AKC legs and titles to this line on a monthly basis and the standings periodically. Libby Myers-Buhite publishes the USDAA, NADAC, CPE and UKC titles and standing. The year-end BCCA Awards are confirmed and published to the line before being printed in the Bulletin.
4-Agility Legs and Titles earned in United States Organizations:
American Kennel Club: In 2006, 150 Beardies earned a total of 1,767 AKC legs in the Regular and Preferred classes with 940 placements in all breed and Specialty competition. 102 of these teams accounted for 215 titles: 81 Novice, 58 Open, 42 Excellent, 27 Masters, and 7 MACHs. The level of participation in the Preferred classes was similar to that seen in 2005. 36 Dogs earned at least one leg in Preferred; of these, 8 competed in Regular and Preferred, and 28 in Preferred only. Three teams competed at the first AKC Agility Invitational in CA. Ten teams qualified to compete at the AKC National Championships, held in Ohio in March, 2007. Several "firsts" should be noted. Sarah Halsey and Anasazi Secret Of The Wizard (Wizard) earned the first MACH6 by qualifying for their 120th QQ on December 30. Wigglesworth Super Sonic (Zoom), owned and handled by Jeff Ipser, became the youngest Beardie to earn a MACH in July and then followed that achievement up by completing a MACH2 only 5 months later. Finally, David Williamson and Harley of St John (Harley) earned the first multiple Masters' Preferred titles.
North American Dog Agility Council: 148 Beardies have earned NADAC legs. We now have 1 Versatility Champion (Jack Buhite's Skyedance Lord A-Leaping, Caper), 3 Champions, most recently Amy Steltz's Britannia Bobby Dazzler (Bobby), and 1 Triple Superior Elite Beardie. 1 has earned the Outstanding Elite Versatility (Caper), 3 have earned the Elite Versatility, 9 have earned the Open Versatility, and 15 have earned the Novice Versatility Awards.
United States Dog Agility Association: 86 Beardies have earned USDAA legs. We now have 4 Champions, most recently Sheila Franklin's Wynsum Embrace The Moment (Bracey), 1 Accomplished Performance Dog, 11 Beardies with Masters titles and 2 Beardies with Performance 3 titles.
Canine Performance Events: 31 Beardies have earned CPE legs. We now have 3 Champions, most recently Jan Leverenz's Wynsum Captivating Rhythm (Hops).
United Kennel Club: 23 Beardies have earned UKC legs. We now have 3 Champion Excellents and 4 Champions.
5-Commendations: The BCCA Agility Committee recognizes and congratulates our FOURTEEN new Beardie Champions since last year's specialty, who are Beardie ambassadors to the all-breed world of dog agility by earning Championships in five different agility venues in the USA and Canada. All together, we now have TWENTY-SIX Agility Champion Beardies.
AKC-American Kennel Club:
MACH Spice
(Spindrift Risa Hot Stuff) -- Patti Bott - 1 October 2006
MACH 2 Bud (O'Duinnin HMT This Bud's for
Boo) -- Karen Barratt -- 28 October 2006
MACH 2 Zoom (MACH Wigglesworth Super Sonic)
Jeff Ipser -- 10 December 2006
First MACH 6 Wizard (Anasazi Secret
of the Wizard) -- Sarah Halsey -- 31 December 2006
First PAX Harley -- David Williamson
-- 3 February 2007
MACH 3 Jax (Wigglesworth Out On A Limb)
-- Jeff Ipser -- 28 April 2007
MACH Patch (Raintree Ha'Penny Hades)
-- Claire Cifarelli -- 15 June 2007
MACH 3 Zoom (Wigglesworth Super Sonic)
Jeff Ipser -- July 2007
First MACH 7 Wizard (Anasazi Secret
of the Wizard) -- Sarah Halsey -- 19 August 2007
USDAA-United States Dog Agility Association:
ADCH Bracey
(Wynsum Embrace The Moment) -- Sheila Franklin -- 19 August 2007
NADAC-North American Dog Agility Council:
First VERS-NATCH Caper
(Skyedance Lord A-Leaping) -- Jack Buhite - 26 May 2007
NATCH Bobby (Britannia Bobby Dazzler)
-- Amy Steltz -- 21 April 2007
CPE-Canine Performance Events:
(Wynsum Captivating Rhythm) -- Jan Leverenz -- 8 September 2007
AAC-Agility Association of Canada:
First ATCH Moxie
(Aceilidh's Thrill of the Chase) -- Leslie Dawson-North -- November
6- Goals for 2007-2008: We will discuss the place of the new AKC FAST class within the Register of Merit and BCCA Agility Awards program. Everything in Agility is running smoothly.
7- Thank yous: The Agility Committee thanks Joanne Williamson for the AKC statistics and BCCA Awards, Jan Norikane for the NADAC legs and titles, Karen Barrett for the Specialty MACH ribbons, the Beardie Agility Community for the Diehard Trophy, Emily Venator and Glenn Hamilton for the Denia Award, Beth White for the JWW Trophy in Honor of Mirage, Carl and Kay Widell for the Veteran Preferred Trophy, Beth Canner for the Ryan Awards and the Relay Banner, the Florida Club for the Sunshine Award, and Cindy Alspaugh for making the Agility Certificates this year. We thank Beth Kortze for chairing this year's National Specialty Agility Trial and Relay and Sandy McDonald, Sheila Franklin, and Terry Johnson for their assistance with our National Specialty Agility Dinner. We also thank Lillian Esposito and David Williamson for doing such a fine job with agility publication in the Bulletin and Bagpipes. It has been a pleasure working with all of you!
Libby Myers-Buhite of Santa Clara CA, Agility
Joanne Williamson of Boxboro MA, Agility Co-Chair and AKC Rally
Karen Barratt of Galveston TX, former Co-Chair
Jack Buhite of Santa Clara CA
Beth Canner of Seminole FL, First Agility Chair and AKC Agility
Carol Carlsen of Oxford, MI
Ann Chandoha of Marble Falls TX
Leslie Dawson-North of Langdon, Alberta, CKC Agility Judge
Sarah Halsey of Fallbrook CA
Jeff Ipser of Auburn OH, AKC Agility Judge
Linda Porter of Hagerstown, MD
Sharon Prassa of Sacramento CA
Michele Ritter of Saylorsburg, PA
David Williamson of Pearland, TX
Last updated 30 November 2007
BCCA Annual Agility Report - September 2000
BCCA Annual Agility Report - September 2001
BCCA Annual Agility Report - September 2002
BCCA Annual Agility Report - September 2003
BCCA Annual Agility Report - September 2004
BCCA Annual Agility Report - September 2005
BCCA Annual Agility Report - September 2006
BCCA Annual Agility Report - September 2007
BCCA Agility Awards - 2005
BCCA Agility Awards - 2004
BCCA Agility Awards - 2003
BCCA Agility Awards - 2002
BCCA Agility Awards - 2001
BCCA Agility Awards - 2000
BCCA Agility Awards - 1999
BCCA Agility Awards - 1998
BCCA Agility Awards - 1997
BCCA Agility Awards - 1996
Highs in Trial from 1996 to the Present
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 2007
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 2006
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 2005
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 2004
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 2003
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 2002
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 2001
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 2000
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 1999
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 1998
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 1997
BCCA National Specialty Agility Trial 1996